Cornell's Society for the Humanities was established in 1966 as one of the first humanities institutes in North America. Located in the historic home of Cornell's first president, Andrew Dickson White, the Society brings distinguished Visiting Fellows and Cornell Faculty and Graduate Student Fellows together each year to pursue research on a broadly inter-disciplinary focal theme. In addition to participating in our legendary Wednesday Fellows seminar, Fellows offer one experimental, innovative seminar on their research topic. The Society's presence at Cornell has fostered path-breaking interdisciplinary dialogue and theoretical reflection on the humanities at large with our internationally recognized Fellows. The Society is proud to sponsor numerous internal grants, workshops and funding opportunities for Cornell faculty and graduate students in the Humanities, as well as hosting over 100 annual lectures, workshops, colloquia and conferences organized by Cornell's distinguished humanities faculty.
Associated Faculty
- Begüm Adalet
- Juan Manuel Aldape Muñoz
- Angelica Allen
- Kadji Amin
- Benjamin Barson
- Amiel Bize
- Jonathan Aaron Boyarin
- Andrew Campana
- Peter Caswell
- Ani Chen
- Brett de Bary
- Paul Fleming
- Cristina Florea
- Jill Frank
- Durba Ghosh
- Nicole Julia Giannella
- Seema Golestaneh
- Kim Haines-Eitzen
- Alexander Livingston
- Patchen Markell
- Lauren Monroe
- Julia Laurel Mueller
- Jon W. Parmenter
- Juno Salazar Parreñas
- Kelly Presutti
- Annette Richards
- Mejdulene Bernard Shomali
- Noah Tamarkin
- Imane Terhmina
- Morgan Thompson
- Irina Troconis
- Parisa Vaziri
- Sara Warner
- Sarah Ann Wells
- Ruslan Yusupov
- Perry Zurn