Registrar Services

Dedicated to providing excellent service to our students, faculty, and staff

The Arts & Sciences Registrar's Office supports the curricular and instructional activities of the college by providing accurate grading, enrollment and student record services to the entire A&S College. We are charged with upholding university and college policies as they relate to the integrity of the Bachelor of Arts degree. We are responsible for degree clearing and certification for all A&S students, while ensuring they have the necessary qualifications to receive the B.A. degree from Cornell University. Part of the A&S Student Services Office, we are located in KG17, Klarman Hall.


Completed forms can be submitted as a scan or picture to If additional signatures are required on the form (e.g. faculty advisor, instructor), please copy all required signatories and request that they send their approval by e-mail to as well. Hard copies of all PDF forms are available in KG17 Klarman Hall. 

Online Add/Drop Form 

Time Conflict Form (PDF)

  • Use this form to add a class that has a time conflict with another class in which you are already enrolled.
  • Please note that time conflict forms are only accepted during the regular add/drop period and are not accepted during pre-enrollment. 

A&S Independent Study Form (web form)

Information Release Request Form (web form) 

  • Use this form to request an official letter or have an external form verified.
  • If you only need to verify your enrollment, please go to
  • Use only for requests pertaining to non-Arts course changes.
  • Use the online petition form for all other requests.

Transfer credit form

Late Declaration of Major Form (web form)

  • Use this form if you are unable to declare your major by the end of your sophomore year.

Non-Arts to Arts Credit Request Form (web form)

  • Use this form to request Arts credit for up to three non-Arts courses that are counting towards your A&S major(s).

Cross Listed Change Form (web form)

  • Use this form to change the listing of a cross-listed course taken in a past semester.
  • You are not required to change cross-listed courses to fulfill distribution requirements unless it is required by your major department.

Request to Freeze Grade of Incomplete Form (web form)

Return from Leave Form (web form)

Important Deadlines and Resources

Spring 2025: Academic Calendar

All dates are subject to change. Please check back for updates to the Spring calendar.

January 14, Tuesday
@ 12:00 pm
SP25 Add/Drop Begins for Seniors
January 15, Wednesday
@ 9:00 am
SP25 Add/Drop Begins for Juniors
January 16, Thursday
@ 9:00 am
SP25 Add/Drop Begins for Sophomores
January 17, Friday
@ 9:00 am
SP25 Add/Drop Begins for First-Years and FWS Classes
January 21, TuesdayInstruction Begins
January 28, Tuesday7-week 1 Add/Change Credits Ends
February 4, TuesdayLast day to Add/Change Credits in a Regular Academic Session Class Without a Petition
February 15, Saturday -
February 18, Tuesday
February Break - No Classes
February 19, Wednesday7-week 1 Drop/Change Grading Basis Ends
February 21, FridayProject Team/Independent Study Class Add Deadline
March 11, Tuesday7-Week 1 Classes End
March 12, Wednesday7-week 2 Classes Begin
March 18, TuesdayLast Day to Drop a Class Without a "W" and Without a Petition (57th day of the term)
Last Day to Change Grade Option From S/U to Letter or From Letter to S/U
March 19, WednesdayFirst Day a "W" will Appear on the Transcript for Classes Withdrawn by Petition
March 19, Wednesday7-week 2 Add/Change Credits Ends
March 29, Saturday-
April 6, Sunday
Spring Break - No Classes
April 9, Wednesday7-week 2 Drop/Change Grading Basis Ends
May 1, ThursdayInternal Transfer Application Deadline
May 6, TuesdayLast Day to Withdraw from a Class by Petition with a "W" Appearing On the Transcript
May 6, TuesdayLast Day of Classes
May 7, Wednesday-
May 9, Friday
Study Period
May 10, SaturdayFirst Day of Scheduled Exams
May 17, SaturdayLast Day of Scheduled Exams and for Student Academic Activity
May 23, Friday-
May 25, Sunday
University Commencement Weekend

Registrar Staff and Contacts

Contact Us

Mailing Address: Klarman Hall, Room KG17, Ithaca, NY 14853

Phone: 607-255-5004

Registrar and Operations Staff

Duncan BellDirector of AdministrationKlarman Hall, Room KG17
Savannah WilliamsCollege RegistrarKlarman Hall, Room KG17
Debra MoreyAssistant Director of Administration,
Senior Assistant Registrar
Klarman Hall, Room KG17
Brittnie Hamlin RiccardiSenior Student Services SpecialistKlarman Hall, Room KG17
Ashley ClisbyAdmissions Operations CoordinatorKlarman Hall, Room KG17
Tess KhanStudent Services CoordinatorKlarman Hall, Room KG17
Em MarkowskyStudent Services CoordinatorKlarman Hall, Room KG17
Kaitlin PerezStudent Services and Admissions AssistantKlarman Hall, Room KG17