Sophie Washburn French Instructorship

We invite nominations for the Sophie Washburn French Instructorship, a newly instituted annual award recognizing excellence in language instruction among language lecturers in the College of Arts & Sciences. The awardee will hold the instructorship for one academic year. In addition to the title, the holder of the Sophie Washburn French Instructorship in a given year will receive professional development funds in the amount of $5,000. Chairs and directors may nominate up to two lecturers each year. (Award winners will be ineligible for the award for two academic years following the year in which they hold the award.)


Eligible Title:

Language lecturers


Instructors of language, in recognition of excellence in language instruction (Note that this award allows for lecturers to receive the award more than once, but not more frequently than every 3 years.)

Available Awards:

Two awards - $5,000 professional development funds

Nomination Process

The 2025 nomination submission deadline is Friday, March 14

Required nomination materials:

  1. Chair’s nomination letter
  2. Candidate’s CV
  3. List of all courses taught in the last 5 years

All materials in the nomination package should be submitted as a single PDF titled: lastname_DEPARTMENT_washburn

Email submission as a pdf attachment to:



  • Eriko Akamatsu, Asian studies
  • Banu Ozer-Griffin, Near Eastern studies


  • Thess Savella, Asian studies
  • Shalom Shoer, Near Eastern studies


  • Brenda Schertz, linguistics
  • Thierry Torea, Romance studies 


  • Stephanie Divo, Asian studies
  • Makda Weatherspoon, Near Eastern studies


  • Gunhild Lischke, German studies


  • Munther Younes, Near Eastern studies


  • Silvia Amigo-Silvestre, Romance studies