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Doctoral students present work at Stockholm conference

From left, government faculty members Gustavo Flores-Macias and Sarah Kreps with graduate students Colin Chia, Minqi Chai & Caitlin Mastroe.

Six doctoral students from the Department of Government presented papers and met fellow PhD students and faculty interested in issues of global security during a workshop May 23-25 in Sweden.

 Maggie Wong


2016 grad headed to Cambodia to help curb labor trafficking

Maggie Wong ‘16 signed up for Chinese classes when she came to Cornell so that she could more effectively communicate with her grandparents.

Four years later, she’s using some of the classes she took in Asian studies and her language-learning abilities as she heads to a year-long internship with an international non-profit in Cambodia.

 Richard W. Pogue


Alum: Postwar Cornell was a competitive training ground

Richard W. "Dick" Pogue's '50 freshman class wasn't like most classes that enter Cornell together. In 1946, 75 percent of the first-year students were veterans returning from service in World War II. Another 10 percent were women, and the other 15 percent were "greenhorn high school boys" like Pogue.

70 Years of Asian Studies logo


Asian Studies department marks 70th anniversary

As Asia continues to expand its influence in the world, Cornell’s Department of Asian Studies has grown to reflect the importance of the region globally and now offers more Asian languages for study than any other American university.



Researchers span the universe at Sagan Institute coffee hours

Methane-based life forms. Atmospheric colors. Planets forming out of scattered debris.

 Michael Lynch


Professor Michael Lynch awarded J.D. Bernal Prize

Michael Lynch ‘70, professor of science & technology studies, has been awarded the 2016 J. D. Bernal Prize by the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) for his “long-term and highly influential contribution to Science and Technology Studies and to the intellectual life of 4S.”

 Klarman Hall at sunset


Klarman Hall celebration May 26

Visitors can tour the building, see the contents of our time capsule and hear faculty talk about the life-changing impacts of the humanities.

Cover art for Ta-Nehisi Coates's book, “Between the World and Me”


Campus to discuss 'Between the World and Me' April 28

Members of the Cornell community are invited to explore issues of race in America during six simultaneous small-group discussions of the Ta-Nehisi Coates book “Between the World and Me” Thursday, April 28.

The discussions, set for 12:20-1:10 p.m., will take place at locations across campus and are part of the College of Arts and Sciences’ New Century for the Humanities celebration.

 Eve Abrams


Multiple resources help ease students' spring stress

Students have new wellness initiatives, tools and lots of support to help them manage end-of-year pressure.

 Archival image of Martin Luther King Jr. with Jewish leaders


'Blacks and Jews in America' explores complex relationship

There are many words and phrases used to describe the relationship between blacks and Jews in America in the 20th century: golden age, strained, coalition, collaborative, adversarial, contentious, allies.

Barbed wire outside of prison


Students explore criminal justice through new minor

The new interdisciplinary Crime, Prisons, Education and Justice minor also requires students to spend time as teaching assistants in a local prison.

 Bruce levitt


Cornell student actors bring prisoners' writings to life

Students worked with scripts from the Phoenix Players Theatre Group, a troupe founded by a group of incarcerated men.

 Covert art for "Philosophy comes to Dinner"


Philosophy prof. edits book on ethical eating

“Everyone is talking about food. Chefs and food critics have become celebrities. To state that food production and consumption are increasingly in the public eye is to understate the point,” writes Andrew Chignell, associate professor of philosophy, and his two co-editors in the introduction of “Philosophy Comes to Dinner: Arguments about the Ethics of Eating” (2016, Routledge).

 Collage of Geoff Coates and Yimon Aye


ACS honors student, faculty in chemistry

Professor Geoffery Coates, Assistant Professor Yimon Aye and student Shivansh Chawla ’17, who works in Aye’s lab in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, were all recently honored by the American Chemical Society (ACS) with 2016 awards.

 Woman playing violin


Music curriculum expands to reach students of diverse musical backgrounds

Through engaged learning activities, music classes are reaching out to a new generation of listeners.

 watch face


Make your contribution to the Klarman Hall time capsule

We'd like to add your ideas as we collect the "best of the humanities" for our time capsule.

 Seamus Davis


Séamus Davis awarded St. Patrick’s Day Science Medal

Science Foundation Ireland presented its prestigious St. Patrick’s Day Science Medal March 16 to Séamus Davis, Cornell’s James Gilbert White Distinguished Professor in the Physical Sciences. The presentation was made by Charles Flanagan, Ireland’s minister for foreign affairs and trade, as part of St. Patricks’ Day celebrations in Washington, D.C.

 Students making pottery


Archaeology students try their hand at creating artifacts

Students in an archaeology class tried their hand at creating some of the pottery they normally dig up and study.

 Neal Zaslaw


Students produce rarely staged 1606 opera 'Eumelio'

Resurrecting a 17th-century Italian opera whose sole musical source was incompletely notated was a challenge musicologist Neal Zaslaw and a group of students were happy to accept.

What started as a spring 2015 seminar project was unveiled March 19-20 as an opera complete with Baroque instruments, Arcadian shepherds, hellish demons and classical statuary in the auditorium of Klarman Hall.

 Roberto Sierra


Roberto Sierra releases musical works in Spain

Congratulations to Roberto Sierra, Old Dominion Foundation Professor in the Humanities and professor of music, on the international release of his new CD “Boleros & Montunos” in Madrid, Spain.

 Dr. Gerard Aching


Aching examines black bodies, Black Lives Matter

Gerard Aching, director of the Africana Studies and Research Center, sees connections between the messages in two popular books and the Black Lives Matter movement. 

 image from To Kill a Mockingbird


Transformative Humanities: Faculty reveal life-changing creative works

From Virginia Woolf to Debussy, faculty share the works that have impacted their careers and their lives during this series of lunchtime talks with students.

 Elisha Cohn


Elisha Cohn publishes book on theories of the aesthetic in Victorian literature

This past December, Assistant Professor of English Elisha Cohn published her new book Still Life: Suspended Development in the Victorian Novel (Oxford University Press), an extension of her research on Victorian novels and theories of the aesthetic.



Humanities faculty tackle timely issues in ‘Big Ideas’ panels

Six panels of faculty from across various disciplines in Arts and Sciences will share glimpses of their latest research on topics as diverse as technology and humanitarianism in a series of “Big Ideas” panel discussions this semester.



Humanists offer critical perspective on climate change

Humanities professors research the impacts of climate change beyond the numbers.

 OIl well


Feb. 26 symposium to explore oil's impact on humanity

Oil shapes human life and affects human values in profoundly connected ways across the planet. Yet rarely is oil – or other forms of energy – considered beyond technology and policy. A Feb. 26 symposium, “Oil and the Human: Views From the East and South,” will consider the relationship of oil with everyday life, human choices, politics and art across Africa, Latin America, Russia and East Asia. The event will be held in the A.D. White House from 1-4 p.m.

 Glee Club and Chorus singing


Chorus, Glee Club realize dream of Latin American tour

After two years of planning and lots of help from alumni, 96 members of the Glee Club and Chorus spent three weeks singing and teaching in Guatemala and Mexico.

 Russell Rickford


The Black Power movement and its schools

History assistant professor Russell Rickford's new book looks at the Black Power movement of the 1960s and '70s.

 Baroque painting


College launches "New Century for the Humanities" celebration

The College is launching a semester-long celebration of the arts and humanities culminating in the dedication of its new humanities building, Klarman Hall.

 New Arts& Sciences students - January 2016


Colleges welcome inaugural first-year spring class

Welcome to our 56 new spring admission students, who arrived last week for orientation. The students hail from high schools across the country, as well as Australia, Singapore, and other international schools.

 Don M. Randel


Randel honored by American Musicological Society

Professor Emeritus of Musicology Don M. Randel was named an honorary member of the American Musicological Society (AMS) during its recent annual meeting in Louisville. This award is to given to scholars “who have made outstanding contributions to furthering the Society’s mission and whom the Society wishes to honor.”

 Jocelyn Vega ’17


First Posse shares their 'incredible gifts'

When Jocelyn Vega ’17, Anthony Halmon ’17 and Mary Khalaf ’17 arrived here three years ago as members of Cornell’s first Posse Scholar class in 2013, they knew they would become role models for groups of students to come.

 Iftikhar Dadi


History of Art prof edits new volume on South Asian artist

Iftikhar Dadi, associate professor in the Department of History of Art and Visual Studies, is the editor and a contributor to the recently-released “Anwar Jalal Shemza” (Ridinghouse, 2015).

 Jeremiah Grant '17


"I began to see what was between the world and me."

Jeremiah Grant '17

Major: Africana Studies with a concentration on the Caribbean.
Hometown: Queens, NY

Why did you choose Cornell?
 Edgar Rosenberg


Emeritus professor and alum Edgar Rosenberg dies at 90

Edgar Rosenberg ’49, MA ‘50, Professor emeritus of English and Comparative Literature, died on December 19 in Cayuga Heights at the age of 90.

 Bruce Levitt, Alex Gruhin '11 and Ariel Reid '09, MMH '10


Professor to direct former students in Brooklyn theater event

When Alex Gruhin '11 and Ariel Reid '09, MMH '10, needed to hire a director for their new entertainment venture, the choice was an obvious one -- their favorite theater professor, Bruce Levitt.

 Circus performer


College Scholars' research: circus arts to inequality

Our College Scholars combine their interests in various subjects into interdisciplinary majors and research projects.

 OADI staff meeting with students


Third Posse group thriving at Cornell

This semester, the College of Arts & Sciences, together with the Office of Academic Diversity Initiatives (OADI) welcomed the third cohort of Posse Program students to Cornell.

And for the first time, OADI sponsored visits for First Year Parents Weekend, welcoming parents of this freshman group to visit their children, meet with other Posse families and explore Ithaca.

 Students sitting in chairs


Class creates online 'soundscape' of Cornell

Take an audio tour of the Cornell campus, thanks to this class blog.

 Martha Austen ’13


Linguistics grad uses social media in dialect research

When Martha Austen ’13 used to say she was fixin’ to eat supper, she wondered why her Cornell friends would raise their eyebrows a bit in her direction.

Now, she’s made the study of sociophonetics — the study of sound and how speech varies based on different social factors — her focus as a graduate student at Ohio State University.

And she’s using Twitter as a way to gain access to a mountain of data on people’s speech and dialects.

 Irving Goh PhD ’12


Alum wins Scaglione Prize from Modern Language Association

Irving Goh PhD ’12, was recently awarded the named the Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for French and Francophone Literary from the Modern Language Association for his book, “The Reject: Community, Politics, And Religion After The Subject.”

 Clouds from above


Mission scientists offer an intimate look at Pluto

Hundreds of students, faculty and community members braved a foggy, rainy night Dec. 2 for a behind-the-scenes look at the New Horizons mission to Pluto, given by mission scientists Cathy Olkin and Ann Harch in the Schwartz Auditorium in Rockefeller Hall.

 Patrick Braga ’17


Undergrad's opera, 'La Tricot,' debuts Dec. 3

Patrick Braga ’17 spent a little more than a year working on his chamber opera, “La Tricotea (Opus 25),” which will premiere Dec. 3 with 16 student vocalists and instrumentalists.

“This was a project out of my own passion for composition and to convince people that opera doesn’t have to be a boring ordeal,” said Braga, who was inspired by a music history course with Professor Judith Peraino and a Glee Club selection by Assistant Professor Robert Isaacs.

 Professor talking about music


Explaining music's 'chill' effect on the brain and body

“Why is your music important to you? How much time do you spend listening to music per day? How many songs per day do you listen to? How important is your music to you?”

 Tom Gilovich


New book puts readers on the path to wisdom

Wondering how our social science research could benefit your investment strategy? Make you happier? A new book by Tom Gilovich, the Irene Blecker Rosenfeld Professor of Psychology, has the answers.

 Euripedes play


Exposing new audiences to a real Greek tragedy

Classics students add modern twists to Euripedes play.



125 students commit Random Hacks of Kindness

More than 125 students spent last weekend in Sage and Olin Halls, brainstorming, coding and meeting with community nonprofits as they sought solutions to problems as part of the Random Hacks of Kindness event Nov. 13.

Sponsored byEntrepreneurship at Cornell and Accenture, the event included 10 nonprofit partners who pitched problems to students, kicking off two days of hacking that ended in final presentations Nov. 15.

 PMA students in a dance studio


PMA expands international opportunities for students

Chinese resident artists and visiting lecturers on global performance traditions brought international insights to the Schwartz Center this fall.  

 Ariana Kim


Ariana Kim records ‘powerful’ works by women composers

Ariana Kim’s solo album, “Routes of Evanescence,” showcases works by pioneering American women composers.

 John Hale


‘Alice in Wonderland’ leads researchers into the brain

John Hale, Associate Professor of Linguistics, used MRI technology and 'Alice in Wonderland' in his research to study language comprehension.