The Department of Psychology focuses on the investigation of behavior and its cognitive, neural and hormonal underpinnings in the full range of environmental situations. The dominant strengths of the department lie in the three broadly defined areas of perception, cognition, and development; behavioral and evolutionary neuroscience; and social and personality psychology.
Cornell offers substantial resources for psychological research, including excellent research space and laboratory equipment; state-of-the-art computer facilities; an outstanding library system that is one of the ten largest academic research libraries in North America; and a highly skilled support staff. Research facilities include animal housing rooms, histological and chemical preparation rooms, electrophysiological recording equipment, an extensive Social Psychology Laboratory, an infant behavior laboratory, several perception and cognition laboratories and laboratory-oriented software to support empirical research.
Associated Faculty
- Elizabeth Adkins-Regan
- Adam Anderson
- Daryl J. Bem
- Charles Brainerd
- Anthony Burrow
- Lance Spencer Bush
- Marianella Casasola
- Stephen Ceci
- Morten H. Christiansen
- Thomas A. Cleland
- Audun Dahl
- Eve De Rosa
- Richard Depue
- Timothy J. DeVoogd
- John Eckenrode
- Shimon Edelman
- Gary Evans
- David J. Field
- James Garbarino
- Thomas D. Gilovich
- Jesse H. Goldberg
- Michael H. Goldstein
- Marlen Gonzalez
- Stephen F. Hamilton
- Tove Hammer
- Valerie Hans
- Jeffrey J. Haugaard
- Cindy Hazan
- Will Hobbs
- Adam J. Hoffman
- Misha Inniss-Thompson
- Nori Jacoby
- Barbara Koslowski
- Amy R. Krosch
- Carol Krumhansl
- Neil Lewis Jr.
- Christiane Linster
- Corinna Loeckenhoff
- Barbara C. Lust
- Jane Mendle
- Shaun Nichols
- Laura Niemi
- Anthony Ong
- Alexander G. Ophir
- Gordon Pennycook
- David A. Pizarro
- Nora H. Prior
- Jeffrey J. Rachlinski
- Dr. Manney C. Reid
- Valerie Reyna
- Steven Robertson
- Jonathan A. Rottenberg
- Ritch Savin-Williams
- Dawn Schrader
- Harry G. Segal
- David M. Smith
- Robert Sternberg
- Khena M. Swallow
- Charles Trautmann
- Katherine Tschida
- Qi Wang
- Melissa Warden
- Nancy M. Wells
- Jenna Wells
- Elaine Wethington
- Wendy Williams
- Vivian Zayas
- Emily Zitek