News : page 108

Displaying 5351 - 5400 of 5513

 Museum event poster


A Night at the Museum: Masquerade at the Johnson!

By: Kathy Qingyu Xu '16  
  A large part of my summer was spent doing surveys on various Kenai Peninsula lakes for an invasive, aquatic plant called elodea. I was also able to enjoy some incredible scenery while on the job.


Both Work and Fun: Watershed Conservation in Alaska

This week, Ambassador Tait Stevenson tells us how he spent his summer in Alaska, supporting watershed conservation with creativity. By Tait Stevenson '20, Biological Sciences (Evolutionary Biology and Ecology Concentration)
 Professor Richardson created a syllabus that does double duty as a research guide!


How to Complete Distribution Requirements While Watching Music Videos

Writing on the theme of "Easing Back into Classes," junior Sheyla tells us about an exciting class on Beyoncé, intersectional identity, and feminism.  By Sheyla Finkner '19, Biology and Society major


The College Years of Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, a Founder of Queer Theory

The advent of queer theory “caused a shock wave which has affected all intellectual disciplines,” as Didier Eribon, a leading French intellectual, once said. A look back at the undergraduate years of Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, ‘71, a founder of queer theory, reveals a unique glimpse of where that shock wave first began.
 Here I am posing with some of my teammates - I'm the one in the middle!


The Spirit of Camaraderie

This week, junior Chelsea Sincox writes about the spirit of the Big Red and her experience as a member of the varsity women's volleyball team. Let's Go Red!By: Chelsea Sincox '18
 Allison Wild '19 and I pose in Bear Necessities, the convenience store on North Campus that conveniently sells Cornell peanut butter!
Xinzhu (April) Wei


New Faculty: Xinzhu (April) Wei

Xinzhu Wei, Computational Biology
 Gabriela Zamora


"It was a big adjustment, but I am so happy I am here."

Gabriela Zamora '17 Major: Psychology and SpanishHometown: ChicagoHow did you decide on your major? Have your plans changed since you started Cornell?
 Coffee stand at the Ithaca Farmer's Market


Ithaca, NY: Popular Spots and Local Staples

 by Malika Sharapova '16
 Iva Karoly-Lister '15


"Being around so many incredibly intelligent and hard-working people has been humbling."

Iva Karoly-Lister '15 Major: Feminist, Gender & Sexuality Studies and Chemistry & Chemical BiologyHometown: Anchorage, AKWhy did you choose Cornell?My grandma went to Cornell and told me I should go here. She's always been one of my greatest role models so I thought it would be cool to spend time in the same places that she did.
 Me presenting research at the Boyce Thompson Institute Plant Genomics Summer Research Symposium last summer!


Kidney Research Internship: Branching Out from the Comfort of Cornell

This week, sophomore Dean talks about exciting new opportunities that await him this summer and how Arts and Sciences has helped him step out of his comfort zone and challenge himself. By Dean Kim '20, Chemistry major, East Asian Studies minor
 Nathan Floro '15


"I am ending this part of my education understanding that I never have to stop learning."

Nathan Floro '15Major: Linguistics and Near Eastern StudiesHometown: Canal Fulton, OHWhy did you choose Cornell?
Aerial photo of white buildings at the end of a long road
LIGO Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO)


Hawking’s black hole theorem observationally confirmed

Saul Teukolsky and other physicists at Cornell, MIT and elsewhere have confirmed Hawking's area theorem for the first time, using observations of gravitational waves.
 Punting on a sunny afternoon at Cherwell River.


Oxford, England: Cultivating Knowledge for the Sake of Knowledge

This week, senior Arlinda takes us to England, where she was able to expand her study of philosophy through courses and professors at the University of Oxford. By Arlinda Shehu '18, Philosophy and Psychology double major
 Ice skating at Lynah Rink freshman year with friends (I'm on the right)!


Finding My Niche in the Sciences: The Information Science Major

This week, senior Meg Shigeta talks about how the breadth of the Arts & Sciences course roster allowed her to explore different fields as an underclassmen until she found her home in the Information Science department. Enjoy! By: Meg Shigeta '17, Information Science major, Business minor
 Here I am reading outside Cornell In Washington building


Spotlight on: GOVT 3012: The Politics of Poverty in the U.S.

In her post this week, junior Isabel Caro discusses the importance of working alongside and listening to people with differing opinions. She explains how her government class this semester provides ample space for this, while also encouraging the type of critical thinking she feels defines a College of Arts & Sciences education. By: Isabel Caro '18
Jodi Byrd


New Faculty: Jodi Byrd

Jodi Byrd, Associate Professor, Literatures in English
 Machu Picchu


Winter Break in Peru: The Chance of a Lifetime

By: Matthew Donnelly '18
 The Japanese crew


Living and Learning in the Japanese Language House

As the holidays approach and we close out the semester here at Cornell, and as prospective high school seniors put the finishing touches on their college applications, we thought it would be nice to focus on the things we love most about Cornell. This first post is from sophomore Jendayi Brooks-Flemister, who writes about her experience living in the Japanese Language House on West Campus. Enjoy and happy holidays! By: Jendayi Brooks-Flemister '18
 Jillian Holch


Keeping in Touch with Friends

by Jillian Holch '16"Did you get my message? 'Cause I looked in vain." "Can we see each other Tuesday if it doesn't rain?" "Look, I'll call you in the morning or my service will explain."–        “Another Hundred People” from Company by Stephen Sondheim
Britney Schmidt


New Faculty: Britney Schmidt

Britney Schmidt, Astronomy
 Matthew Loring


"The College of Arts and Sciences is amazing for people with broad interests."

Matthew Loring '15Major: Computer ScienceHometown: Lansing, NY  Why did you choose Cornell?
 Here is a photo of me on my Cornell tour!


Why Cornell? Ambassador Nick Answers

This week, Ambassador Nick explains how he made the decision to attend Cornell's College of Arts and Sciences. By Nick Smith '20, Economics major
 Daniel Waid Marshall '15


"Caring about those around me requires that I engage in politics alongside them."

Daniel Waid Marshall '15Major: HistoryHometown: Santa Barbara, CAWhy did you choose Cornell?Academically, it was the best school I got into. The finger lakes region is beautiful. I was also interested in applying to the Telluride House.
 Image from Cornell University College of Arts and Sciences
 Smiling after an intense (and sweaty!) class with my Zumba mentors at my hometown studio.


My Zumba Instructor Journey: Dancing my way from California to Cornell!

In our last post of the month, senior Hadassa writes about her journey of becoming a veteran Zumba instructor at Cornell.  By Hadassa Jakher '18, Government and Spanish double major, International Relations and Law & Society double minor
 Stephanie Sang '15


"I cherish the fact that I was able to learn about such a wide variety of subjects."

Stephanie Sang '15Major: Biology & Science of Earth SystemsHometown: Solon, OHWhy did you choose Cornell?
 Me and a few Cornell friends pose in front of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, Spain during our study abroad.


Learning to Welcome and Grow Through Challenges

This month, Ambassadors will be reflecting on how Cornell has changed them compared to the first day they arrived on campus, or even to just a couple months ago. In the first post of November, senior Carlee talks about how the classes, professors, and friends she encountered over the four years have taught her to welcome challenges and to think critically.  By Carlee Moses '18, History and Government double major
 WVBR logo


WVBR: One of Cornell's 1,000+ Clubs (and Arguably its Best)!

Welcome back! Today marked the beginning of the first full week of classes for the spring semester (we started classes last Wednesday!. Here in Ithaca, we're battling some brutally cold weather, but sophomore Charles stays warm working as a DJ on WVBR, "Ithaca's Real Rock Radio." Check out what he has to say about finding your niche outside of the classroom!By: Charles Cotton '19
 Arguably the best boat to float down the Black River - I'm at the top, second from the left!


Checking Off #31 on the List of 161 Things to Do at Cornell: How I Spent my Summer in Ithaca

Welcome back! Here at the Arts & Sciences Ambassadors, we're easing back into the swing of the fall semester. What with the warm weather and the long weekend, though, we can't quite shake off the feel of the summer, and so we've chosen to devote our first blog posts to that very topic: what did we do this summer? Throughout September, we will be posting blogs written by the four members of our executive board.
Antonio Fernandez Ruiz


New Faculty: Antonio Fernandez Ruiz

Antoni Fernandez Ruiz, Neurobiology and Behavior
Azahara Oliva


New Faculty: Azahara Oliva

Azahara Oliva, Neurobiology and Behavior
 Cornell student in cold weather


"I have become tenacious in pursuit of my dreams, most of which I didn't even know I had until coming here."

Jasmine Edison '15 Major: MusicHometown: Warner Robins, GAWhy did you choose Cornell?
 Some of the books I've accumulated over the years as I've worked to finish my history and government majors


Why I Love the Distribution Requirements!

As we move into November, our weekly blog posts will shift in focus. This month, our theme is "Academic and Residential Life at Cornell." Samantha Briggs '16 starts us off by explaining how the College of Arts and Sciences' unique set of distribution requirements allows students to explore subjects they never would have considered otherwise! By: Samantha Briggs '16
 During freshman orientation, my dad took this classic photo near the entrance to campus from Collegetown.


Why Cornell? Ambassador Vishal Answers...

With the regular decision deadline fast approaching, the A&S Ambassadors hope to make the application decision a bit easier for prospective students. Every Cornell student has a story. This week, Vishal tells us why he chose Cornell.By Vishal Sundaram '21, Chemistry and Chemical Biology major
 Image from Cornell University College of Arts and Sciences
 Shoshana Swell


Why Walk When You Can Dance?

In our last post of the month, sophomore Shoshana takes us for a stroll across Europe, where she spent the summer studying Psychoanalysis and Art, and traveling.By Shoshana Swell '20, Performing & Media Arts and Psychology double major


The Humble Pig

Mark Essig’s Lesser Beasts: A Snout to Tail History of the Humble Pig is an ambitious, free-ranging book. It draws not only on history, but also on anthropology, folklore, paleontology, archeology, sociology, contemporary food studies, and probably a dozen other disciplines to weave a compelling narrative that, while centered on the pig, explores less tangible, heavier stuff such as faith, taste, ethics, and status.
 The Cornell Daily Sun office in the Ithaca Commons.


Spirit Off-Campus: Cornell in Ithaca

Happy almost Thanksgiving! In the spirit of the holiday, sophomore Julia Curley discusses why she is so grateful for the spirit of interconnectedness that links Cornell with the greater community in Ithaca, NY. By: Julia Curley '19
 Klarman Hall atrium: the Admissions and Academic Advising Center


Arts and Sciences Advising Deans: A "Ray" of Sunshine

It's finally spring here in Ithaca and that means that admitted students are coming from far and wide to visit Cornell's campus for Cornell Days! Some of the most popular events during Cornell Days are the info sessions, which are hosted by Advising Deans and Ambassadors for the College of Arts & Sciences.
Lenora Warren


New Faculty: Lenora Warren

Lenora Warren, Literatures in English
 Jeffrey Breuer


"The College instills a life-long dedication to learning in its students."

Jeffrey Breuer '16 Major: GovernmentHometown: Essex Junction, VT How did you decide on your major? Have your plans changed since you started Cornell?
 Duomo di Orvieto


When in Rome: Summer Study Abroad

By: Emma Korolik '17 This past summer, I spent a month in Rome, Italy studying abroad through the College of Arts and Sciences. As a double major (English and Sociology) with a minor (Education) and a deep love for Cornell’s Ithaca campus, I wasn’t sure about going abroad. Yet, when I heard about a four-week creative-writing summer program in the heart of Rome, I knew I had to apply. Italy seemed like the perfect place to feel inspired, and I was right.


"Hopefully one day I can help to change people's lives for the better."

Connor Foster '15 Major: Biological SciencesHometown: Woodbridge, CTWhy did you choose Cornell?
 Krystin Chiellini '17


"Cornell has shaped me in ways that no other institution would have been capable of."

Krystin Chiellini '17Major: Biology & SocietyHometown: Riverview, FLHow did you decide on your major? Have your plans changed since you started Cornell?
 Roslyn Jin '15


"I am constantly inspired by the intelligence, motivation, and kindness exhibited by my fellow Cornellians."

Roslyn Jin '15Major: China & Asia-Pacific StudiesHometown: Great Neck, NY  Why did you choose Cornell?
 Book spines.


It Is Okay to Not Know What You Want to Do

Sydney, one of our graduating seniors, discusses how Arts and Sciences has instilled in her a true passion for learning, a quality she hopes to take with her to whatever field she ultimately decides to pursue.By Sydney Mann '18, American Studies major, English minor
 Danielle Burgess '15


"Research has given me confidence in my analytical abilities."

Danielle Burgess '15Major: LinguisticsHometown: Horseheads, NYWhy did you choose Cornell?I attended the Cornell Summer College program after my junior year of high school and experiencing the beautiful campus that summer, along with meeting so many thoughtful and ambitious peers and faculty, really solidified in my mind that Cornell would be a great place for me.
 LSE library, interior shot.


London, England: Looking Forward

In the last post of the year, junior Meredith guides us through how she came to decide to study abroad in London next semester. Thank you all for following our blog this year, and happy holidays!By Meredith Chagares '19, History major, Business and Law & Society double minor
 A magical view of West Campus (Haris Hasan, SHA '18)


The "Hogwarts Effect"

This week, sophomore Yousef Anwer describes how his interdisciplinary experience at Cornell has been utterly magical... By: Yousef Anwer '19, Economics major, Law and Society minor