The Department of Mathematics at Cornell University is known throughout the world for its distinguished faculty and stimulating mathematical atmosphere. Approximately 40 tenured and tenure-track faculty represent a broad spectrum of current mathematical research both theoretical and applied. The faculty interests cover the core areas of algebra, topology, geometry and analysis, as well as probability theory, mathematical statistics, dynamical systems, mathematical logic and numerical analysis.
The graduate program combines study and research opportunities for more than 70 graduate students from many different countries. The undergraduate program includes a mathematics minor and a flexible mathematics major with seven different concentrations. In addition, the department offers a wide selection of courses for all types of users of mathematics.
The department also engages in community outreach, providing a variety of programs for local high school students and teachers.
Associated Faculty
- Marcelo Aguiar
- Mahdi Asgari
- Allen Back
- Dan M. Barbasch
- Biplab Basak
- Yuri Berest
- Alex Betts
- Louis Billera
- Andy Borum
- Kenneth Brown
- Timothy Buttsworth
- Xiaodong Cao
- Stephen U. Chase
- Harrison Chen
- Marshall Cohen
- Robert Connelly
- Anil Damle
- Kelly Delp
- R. Keith Dennis
- Benjamin Dozier
- Moon Duchin
- Clifford J. Earle
- Eduard Einstein
- Roger H. Farrell
- David Freund
- Federico Fuentes
- Christian Gaetz
- Raul Gomez
- Julia Gordon
- Mitch Graham
- Leonard Gross
- John M. Guckenheimer
- Daniel Halpern-Leistner
- Allen Hatcher
- Timothy J. Healey
- David W. Henderson
- Benjamin Hoffman
- Tara Holm
- Qi Hou
- John H. Hubbard
- Mary Ann Huntley
- Brian Hwang
- J.T. Gene Hwang
- Iouli S. Iliachenko
- Peter J. Kahn
- Martin Kassabov
- Allen Knutson
- Lionel Levine
- Yun Liu
- Yusheng Luo
- Marie MacDonald
- Kathryn Mann
- Jason Manning
- Karola Mészáros
- Kate Meyer
- Justin Moore
- Anton Mosunov
- Camil Muscalu
- Anil Nerode
- Christian Noack
- Michael Nussbaum
- Irena Peeva
- Jamol J. Pender
- Kelly Pohland
- Ravi Ramakrishna
- Richard Rand
- Timothy Riley
- Thomas Rishel
- Andrew Roberts
- David Ruth
- Laurent Saloff-Coste
- Gennady Samarodnitsky
- Maru Sarazola
- Alfred H. Schatz
- Shankar Sen
- Farbod Shokrieh
- Richard A. Shore
- Reyer Sjamaar
- John Smillie
- Slawomir Solecki
- Philippe Sosoe
- Birgit Speh
- Noah Stephens-Davidowitz
- Daniel Stern
- Michael E. Stillman
- Steven Strogatz
- Edward Swartz
- Moss E. Sweedler
- Daina Taimina
- Xiudi Tang
- Nicolas Templier
- Maria Terrell
- Robert Terrell
- Alex Townsend
- Gennady Uraltsev
- Alexander Vladimirsky
- Karen Vogtmann
- Marten Wegkamp
- James E. West
- Beverly West
- Yunan Yang
- Xiangdong Yang
- Inna Zakharevich
- Xin Zhou
- David Zywina