Courses That Won't Count

Non-Academic Credit Courses for Arts & Sciences 2024-2025

Courses listed here do not count as academic credit in the college and therefore do not count toward A&S degree (100 Arts / 120 total) credits. These courses will still appear on official transcripts and be factored into cumulative GPA (if taken for a letter grade). 

PE (Physical Education)  All Courses
Courses numbered 1000 - 1099  All Courses
Courses numbered 4980  All 4980 Courses Except:
 CHEM4980Honors Seminar
 CHEME4980Design & Testing of the Chemical Engineering Car
 ENGL4980Contemporary Poetry and Poetics
 HADM4980Independent Study
 HD4980Seniors Honors Seminar
 PUBPOL4980Senior Seminar
 SOC4980Engaged Learning Capstone
 STSCI4980Tutorial in Actuarial Statistics
AEMBU2700Management Communication
AEMBU2820Intro to Database Management Systems
AEMBU4960AEM Internship
AEMBU6980Supervised Grad Teaching Exper
AGSCIAG4960Internship in Ag Sciences
ALSAG1370Academic Communication for Multilingual Students
ALSAG6015Teaching in Higher Education
ALSAG6016Assessment in Higher Education
ANSCAG4960Internship in Animal Science
ARTAR1909Internship Practicum
BEEAG5980Graduate Teaching
BIOMGAG4981Teaching Experience in Principles of Biochemistry, Indv
BIOMGAG4982Teaching Leadership in Principles of Biochemistry, Indv
BIOMGAG6980MBG Grad TA Experience
BMEEN4970Undergraduate Teaching in BME
BMEEN5940Biomedical Engineering Internship
BMEEN7030Graduate Student Teaching
BTRYAG7980Graduate Supervised Teaching
CEEEN4010Undergrd Engr Teaching in CEE
CHEMEEN3010Career Perspectives
COMMAG4950Communication Industries: NYComm
COMMAG4960Communication Internship
COMMAG6940GR Special Topics in COMM
CRPAR1106Advising Seminar
CRPAR4940URS Internship
CRPAR7940Planning Internships
CSEN4090Teaching Experience in Computer Science
CSEN5998MEng Internship
DEAHE4030Teaching Apprenticeship
EASEN4960Internship Experience
ECEEN4920ECE Technical Writing
EDUCAG4940Special Topics
EDUCAG4960Undergraduate Internship in Education
EDUCAG4970Individual Study in Education
ENGLAS7960Placement Seminar
ENGRCEN3020Project Team Communications
ENGRCEN3023Communication Intensive Opportunity
ENGRGEN2350Career Development in Engineering
ENGRGEN4400Project Team Leadership
ENGRGEN4800Eng LSC: Listening Skills
ENGRGEN4805Eng LSC: Positive Team Culture
ENGRGEN4810Eng LSC: Inclusive Teams
ENGRGEN4815Eng LSC: Perf & Accountability
ENGRGEN4820Eng LSC:Difficult Conversati
ENGRGEN4825Eng LSC: Managing Conflict
ENGRGEN4830Eng LSC: Giving Feedback
ENGRGEN4835Eng LSC: Receiving Feedback
ENGRGEN4840Eng LSC:Effective Followership
ENGRGEN4845Eng LSC: Leading from Strength
ENGRGEN4990Teaching in Engineering Leadership
ENGRGEN5350Career Development for Engineering
ENGRGEN6780Teaching Seminar
ENTOMAG7090Teaching Entomology
ENVSAG4960E&S Internship
FDSCAG4960Internship in Food Science
FDSCAG6960Internship in Food Science
FDSCAG6980Graduate Teaching Experience
FSADHE4030Teaching Apprenticeship
GDEVAG3106Professional Preparation
GDEVAG4940Special Topics in GDEV
GDEVAG6980Teaching Experience Global Development
GDEVAG7910Teaching Experience
HADMHA1650Business Writing
HADMHA1740Business Computing
HADMHA1910Distinguished Lectures in Hospitality
HADMHA2740Business Computing
HADMHA3135Conversations with Entrepreneurs
HADMHA3650Persuasive Communication
HADMHA3740Fundamentals of Database Mgt
HADMHA4760Visual Basic for Applications
HADMHA5760Visual Basic for Applications
HADMHA6135Conversations with Entrepreneurs
HADMHA6740Fundamentals of Database Management and Data Analysis
HDHE4030Teaching Assistantship
HDHE7060Supervised Teaching
HDHE8060Teaching Practicum
HEHE1112Academic Well-Being Seminar
HEHE1115Critical Reading & Thinking
HEHE4030Apprenticeship in Teaching
HEHE4050Independent Community Engaged Learning
ILRGLIL4970Field Research
ILRHRIL4970Field Research
ILRIDIL2660Essential Desktop Applications
ILRIDIL4699Advanced Desktop Applications
ILRIDIL4970Field Research
ILRIDIL6990Advanced Desktop Applications
ILRLEIL4970Field Research
ILROBIL4970Field Research
ILRSTIL4970Field Research
INFOEN4910Teaching in Information Science
LAAG4940Special Topics in Landscape Architecture
LAAG4960Internship in LA
LAAG5980Graduate Teaching
LAAG6940Special Topics in Landscape Architecture
LAWLA6114BR Ventures
LAWLA6861Supervised Teaching
LAWLA6881Supervised Teaching and Supervised Writing-Honors Program
MATHAS5080Special Study for Teachers
MSEEN4950Undergraduate Teaching Involvement
MSEEN5998External Internship
NAVSOT  ALL COURSES except when cross-listed with an academic dept
NBAGM5075Big Red Ventures
NMIGM5080Big Red Consulting
NSHE4020Supervised Fieldwork
NSHE4030Teaching Apprenticeship
NTRESAG4960Internship in Natural Resources
ORIEEN4990Teaching in ORIE
PAMHE4030Teaching Apprenticeship
PHYSAS4484Teaching and Learning Physics
PHYSAS4485Teaching Experience I
PHYSAS4486Teaching Experience II
PHYSAS4487Teaching Experience III
PHYSAS4500Cultivating Public Engagement in Physics
PHYSAS7684Teaching and Learning Physics
PLSCI AG4960Undergraduate Internship in Plant Science
PUBPOLPP1111Building Success at Brooks
PUBPOLPP4030Teaching Apprenticeship
PUBPOLPP5053Academic Writing
PADMHE5920Public Affairs Externships
STSCIAS4970Undergraduate Supervised Teaching
UNIVCU3090Academic Support-Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
VIENAG4960Wine Industry Internship
VTMEDVM5601Community Practice Service