Student Funding Opportunities

This page is a compilation of funding resources across the university that A&S students can pursue for professional development. For most updated information, we encourage you to follow the links below to the funding source page.

If you would like to provide updates to the listings below or would like us to add a new listing, please email In your email, include the information that you would like to update/add and a link to the funding page, if possible.

Professional Development Funding

The Professional Development Fund application is currently open, and a link to apply is further down this page. 
The application will be closed for the summer from May 7, 2025 to August 25, 2025.

The Professional Development (PD) Fund, established by generous alumni donations, provides funding to support or supplement the career development needs of undergraduate students with financial need. Students with demonstrated financial need are eligible to apply for funding, in accordance with eligibility requirements.

The PD Fund can support the following:

  • Travel to interviews for internships or full-time employment
  • Travel to Accepted Student Days for Graduate/Professional School
  • Travel to interviews for Graduate/Professional School
  • Purchase of professional clothing for interviews, networking, etc. (up to $500)
  • Conference attendance and associated travel
  • Graduate/professional school application fees
  • Graduate/professional school admissions test fees and test prep courses

How does funding work?

  • Student submits application, including a budget form with anticipated costs.  
  • Please allow 1-2 weeks for staff to review applications; all applicants will receive an email communication following the review period.  An application is not a guarantee of funding.  
  • The student may be required to meet with a staff member from Arts & Sciences Career Development to discuss their application in more detail and to determine appropriate next steps.  
  • If approved, the student will schedule a meeting with the A&S Program Coordinator, to sign and return a grant contract and to discuss payment options.
  • Students may receive funding in one of the following ways, pending the type of expense:
    • Career Development pays directly for the expense.
    • Funding will be given in the form of a grant, meaning that the student is responsible for making and paying for their own expenditures. The grant will help to offset some or all of the costs.  

To allow for application and funding processing time, we recommend applying at least 3 weeks in advance of when you need to pay for your professional development opportunity. We cannot reimburse students for costs already incurred. 

Students must meet the following eligibility criteria in order to apply for funding:

  • Currently enrolled, matriculated undergraduate student in a degree-granting program in the College of Arts & Sciences.
  • Receiving financial aid from Cornell University.
  • Low-income (as defined by the College/Financial Aid) or first-generation student
  • In the pursuit of a professional opportunity; students are no longer eligible once they have accepted an offer from a job/internship opportunity or graduate/professional school.

Students are NOT eligible to apply for funding if:

  • They have an OCR violation.
  • They have received Professional Development funding during the current academic year.
  • They are on a leave of absence.
  • They are currently studying abroad.
  • They have a current conduct violation, are on academic or non-academic temporary academic suspension.
  • They have graduated (are considered an alum).

Funding Eligibility and Priority Details:

  • Students may only receive Professional Development funding once per academic year.
  • Students who are traveling to or whose permanent address is within a 100-mile radius of the destination are not eligible for overnight expenses. Transportation may be reimbursable.
  • Only domestic travel is eligible.
  • Priority will be given to seniors, then juniors, then sophomores, then first year students.
  • Students with the highest financial need are given preference. Please note there is a space on the application to indicate any individual or family factors affecting your need that may not be reflected in your financial aid package.


  • Respond to two (2) short essay questions:
    • In as much detail as possible, please describe your career interests and goals. (If you are still exploring, please share about where you are in that process)
    • How will receiving this funding contribute to furthering your career development? Be specific about the career outcomes and/or benefits to you.
    • Describe your financial circumstances that will help us understand your funding needs
  • Resume - with your name and email redacted.
  • Budget detailing funding needs.
  • Most recent Financial Aid Award Summary (available to download on Student Center)


  • A clear connection between the funding request and your career goals. Questions to consider: What are your career goals? How will receiving funding for this request advance your career?  How will this funding help you to obtain an internship, job, or graduate school opportunity?
  • An accurate and clear description of your financial circumstances that have led you to apply for funding. Financial need is the primary factor when reviewing applications. You must submit your financial aid letter from the Student center. The response to the second short essay question will play a significant role in determining eligibility for funding for students who do not receive financial aid.
  • A funding request that fits the purpose of the Professional Development Fund. The Professional Development Fund is for career related purposes only. Applications for personal needs or student activities will not be considered.
  • Opportunities that cannot be supported through other existing funds on or off campus. Several offices and schools on campus offer funding to support undergraduate professional development needs. The review committee may refer an applicant to one of these resources if it is a more appropriate fit for the funding request. Conversely, if it is determined that an application request has been funded through an alternate source, the application will be declined.
  • Enough time to review and process funding. Applications that fall outside of our timeline for application review may be submitted, however, we cannot guarantee that the application is able to be processed with a shortened timeline.
  • If applying for Graduate Admission Test fee support: an account of other waivers for which you have applied. There are several steps throughout the graduate school application process for which fee waivers might be helpful. Many of the Graduate school Admissions test have fee waiver processes:
  • If applying for Graduate School Application fee support: an account of institutional waivers for which you have applied. Many graduate programs have their own application fee waiver process. The PD review committee will want to know which waivers you have applied for and received, which you have applied for and not received, and which you have not applied, and the reason you didn’t apply. (You aren’t qualified, missed the deadline for their process, etc.) 
    • The easiest way to find this information is to contact individual graduate programs. We recommend talking with the graduate school’s Admission Office if you are unable to find information on the website.  
    • If you are having difficulty finding the graduate admission fee waiver process for an individual institution, or want support in this, feel free to set up an appointment with A&S Career Development. We are here to assist you! 


Apply for the Professional Development Fund.

Work Study-Eligible Summer Funding


The Community Work-Study Program, sponsored by the Einhorn Center, enables Cornell Federal Work-Study (FWS) students to work for nonprofit organizations, schools, and municipalities mainly in Ithaca and Tompkins County.

Each year we place an average of 250 students in work-study positions in the local community during the academic year, and another 70 students in the summer. Jobs affiliated with Cornell departments or organizations may qualify for CWSP funding if the student’s work benefits local residents or US residents.


Fellowships, like scholarships and grants, are financial aid awards that do not require repayment. They usually provide funding for one year and can apply to activities that take place either before or after college graduation. A few summer fellowship programs are also available.

Visit the Cornell Fellowships website for more information and listings of available fellowships for guidance in pursuing options.

Travel Funding

A&S Career Connections Committee Event Travel Funding

Through generous alumni donations, A&S Career Development provides funding for the cost of student travel to attend A&S Career Connections Networking Events, held over Winter and Summer breaks in NYC and DC. More information is available on the Arts & Sciences Career Connections Networking Event page

The Harry Caplan Travel Fellowships

The College of Arts & Sciences offers two (2) Harry Caplan Travel Fellowships, in honor of one of the College’s most beloved teachers and scholars of classics. Awards of $5,000 for summer travel to Europe or the Near East are available for juniors who have serious and developed interest in some aspect of the subjects Harry Caplan loved: ancient Greek and Latin cultures; medieval Latin literature, especially drama; ancient Jewish culture; and rhetoric. 

Interested juniors should submit a short essay outlining the project they would like to use the fellowship for and explaining its background in their studies to date. A committee of the college will select the winners based on both the short essay and scholarly performance. Students on financial aid should not refrain from applying because Cornell will compensate the expectations for summer earnings.

Information on how to apply for Harry Caplan Travel Fellowship