Choosing a Major/Minor

Schedule an Appointment with Your Advising Dean

As you begin your studies in the College of Arts & Sciences, we encourage you to take time to sample courses from our 41 majors, then discover what you love and dive in. It's one of the benefits of a liberal arts education. If you need help as you consider your major, schedule an appointment with your advising dean or a career counselor in Career Development to talk about your interests and how they can translate into a major and a future career.

Most students declare a major during their sophomore year. Students must declare a major prior to the start of their junior year to be in good academic standing.

Applying for a Major

Apply for a major as soon as you have completed the prerequisites for the major, which may be as early as the end of your first year. Consult the appropriate department website for information regarding prerequisites and application guidelines. Some majors allow you to submit an online application but others may not. You may be required to meet the Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) to discuss your interest in the major and complete the application with them.

If you cannot enter a major by the end of your sophomore year, meet with your advising dean to review your options. You will be required to complete the Late Declaration of Major form.

Adding a Second or Third Major

Some students have diverse intellectual or career interests that span academic disciplines and therefore consider pursuing a second or third major. If you are interested in a second or third major, consult with your faculty advisor and advising dean. If you decide to add another major, it must be within the College of Arts & Sciences. Sometimes you can pursue your interests with a minor or by designing a unique course of study with electives rather than completing additional major(s). 

Second or third majors can be added in your junior or even senior year, but you should apply as soon as possible to give yourself time to complete the additional requirements. To apply to a second or third major, follow the same steps outlined above.

Adding a Minor

A minor is a secondary area of interest in which you complete 15-18 credits. It is not necessary to have a minor, but minors can allow you to group some related electives together in a meaningful way. Many minors in other undergraduate colleges are open to Arts & Sciences students. Consult the list of available minors. To add a minor, contact the office for your desired minor to find out the process for adding the minor.

Dropping a Major or Minor

To drop a major or a minor, contact the undergraduate coordinator or the Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) in the major or minor you wish to drop.

Pre-health and Pre-law

There are no specific required or recommended majors for students interested in pursing a career in the health or legal professions. Therefore, you are encouraged to choose a major based on your interests. Pre-health students should refer to Pre-Health Resources and pre-law students should consult with A&S Career Development.