News : page 3

Displaying 101 - 150 of 5511

Surprise - French Flag


Cornell expert on Jean-Marie Le Pen: a ‘driving force’ for French far-right

“Le Pen wasn’t responsible for the political events which moved the right forward across Europe. Yet, the French National Front created the institutional framework necessary to take advantage of crisis events," says Mabel Berezin.
Peter Yarrow with guitar, tan jacket, white hair just at the back of his head, white beard and glasses in front of a microphone with three women and a child standing next to him


Folk icon Peter Yarrow ’59, of Peter, Paul and Mary, dies at 86

Musician Peter Yarrow ’59, who drew early inspiration from his time at Cornell before joining the legendary folk trio Peter, Paul and Mary, died Jan. 7 in Manhattan.
hands typing on a computer


‘Politics, not policy’: Meta ending fact-check program

Psychology professor Gordon Pennycook, a misinformation expert, says he supports using crowdsourced fact-checking, "but removing third-party (professional) fact-checking strikes me as a major mistake.”
Two mice perched on flowers and facing each other


Mice use their tongues to ‘see’ tactile targets

Cornell scientists have identified the neural pathway mice use to direct the tongue to tactile targets.
Justin Trudeau


Trudeau resignation surrounded by uncertainty, says Cornell expert

Peter John Loewen, the Harold Tanner Dean of Arts and Sciences and professor of government, says it is unclear how a new Liberal leader will be selected in Canada, and whether the Liberal caucus will agree to Trudeau’s wish to stay on until a new leader is chosen.  
Elizabeth Sanders


Elizabeth Sanders, scholar of U.S. political development, dies at 81

Elizabeth Sanders, Ph.D. ’78, professor of government emerita in the College of Arts and Sciences, died Dec. 2 in Cullman, Alabama. She was 81.
Mouse peering out of a white paper cup set in a grassy field


Small wins in early life lead to inequality in adulthood

Lucky breaks in a male mouse’s youth can lead to large advantages in adulthood, especially in groups that compete for food, territory and mates.
President Jimmy Carter


President Carter pushed the U.S. ‘to act as a force for good in the world.’

Carter's presidency ultimately set in motion many of the trends that have shaped the world we live in today, says Ruth Lawlor, assistant professor at Cornell University and historian of American foreign relations.
person sleeping


Pupil size in sleep reveals how memories are sorted and preserved

The eyes may be the window to the soul, but the pupil is key to understanding how, and when, the brain forms strong, long-lasting memories, Cornell researchers have found.
Large indoor gymnasium (Cornell's Barton Hall) decorated with pointsettias and filled with people wearing caps and gowns


December graduates charted their own course

The December Recognition Ceremony, held Dec. 22 in Barton Hall, celebrated 500 August and December graduates.
Four people wearing suits, all chomping on slices of pizza and holding plates


Marketing wisdom, from the alum who helped turn Domino’s around

Each year, now-CEO Russell Weiner ’90 comes back to the Hill to speak about the secret sauce behind the pizza chain’s renaissance
Three people stand behind a product table for "Seen Nutrition"


Ithaca startup’s product builds bone health using NY milk protein

Two friends who bonded over shared concerns over their bone health have formulated a bioavailable calcium chew using milk protein from Finger Lakes dairy farms.
Two people work on a very large piece of equipment that's blue and holds a lot of water


2030 Project Fast Grant awards support energy systems of the future

Researchers from five colleges, including Arts and Sciences, have received awards to support work on sustainable energy systems.
Book cover: Queer Latin American Voices


Klarman Fellow co-edits trilingual ‘Queer Latin American Voices’

Romance studies scholar Romina Wainberg is co-editor of a collection which contains brief texts and illustrations by Latin American LGBTQIA+ writers and artists, accompanied by responses by queer academics in Spanish, Portuguese or English.
 Hector Abruña


Chemist Héctor D. Abruña wins Enrico Fermi Award

The award recognizes scientists, engineers and science policymakers who have given unstintingly over their careers to advance energy science and technology.
 Phone showing TikTok logo


TikTok heading to SCOTUS: ‘Constitutional freedoms versus national security’

“The Supreme Court’s decision to hear the TikTok case reflects an inclination to make its mark on a potentially landmark decision – how to balance constitutional freedoms against national security in an era of globalized technology."
Illustration of three television sets, each with a pair of people showing on the screen


We mimic each other, like it or not

Mimicry appears to be a fundamental behavior that helps people understand each other, not just when they get along, new Cornell psychology research finds.
rows of dark squares surrounded by rainbowed edges


With DoD grant, Cornell to enhance semiconductor supply chain resilience

The research team includes faculty, postdoctoral researchers and doctoral students from fields such as computer science, electrical and computer engineering and social sciences.


Mathematician R. Keith Dennis dies at 80

A renowned mathematician, Prof. R. Keith Dennis made significant contributions to algebraic K-theory and group theory, publishing 25 papers.
Ancient ship underbody, just a skeleton of wood


Manning honored for contributions to archaeology

Sturt Manning, received the P. E. MacAllister Field Archaeology Award at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Overseas Research (ASOR) in Boston in November.
 "Vote here" sign beside a line of people


Professor’s model perfectly predicted Trump victory

A Cornell professor’s election forecasting model correctly picked Trump’s win this year in all 50 states – and would have correctly predicted 95% of states in every election since 2000.
Person holding a sign "Stop femicide"


Cornell expert: Kenya femicide crisis part of a global trend

Kenyan women are taking to the streets and calling for President Ruto to declare femicide a national crisis following the murders of 97 women over three months; professor Sabrina Karim sees it as part of a global trend.  
a person with a virtual reality headset with other people watching


Exhibit highlights art/tech intersections in student work

The event invited undergraduate and graduate students from all disciplines to display their projects at the historic A.D. White House.
Person sitting near a window, reading a book. There is snow outside


Your December 2024 reads

This month’s featured titles include a history Harlem by a government alum and a prof’s memoir about his education under Apartheid.
Book cover: Expanding Verse


Poets in Japan experiment at the edge of media

During the past century, experimental poets in Japan have been stretching the conventional definition of the genre by creating poems in unexpected places, according to a Cornell researcher.
A wooden box covered with bees, with more in the air; Thomas Seeley in a t-shirt and glasses, holding a jar, is watching them.


New book explains mysteries behind bee behavior

"The take-home message from my book is that these small creatures are extremely intelligent. They may well be the most intelligent of all the insects."
Danielle Obisie-Orlu


Student spotlight: Danielle Obisie-Orlu

Danielle Obisie-Orlu, doctoral student in government with a focus on international relations, studies how memory and migration shape international relations and affairs under the guidance of Oumar Ba.
Person wearing a red jacket speaks at a podium, to an auditorium full of students


Learn local lore, Cornell historian Earle says in ‘Last Lecture’

Lecturer Corey Ryan Earle ’07, Cornell’s unofficial historian, gave the latest installment in the Last Lecture series, which invites a respected staff member or professor to give a lecture as if it were their final one.
Book cover: Never on Time, Always in Time


In ‘Fun Home’ and other books, queer narratives rework time

In “Never On Time, But Always in Time,” Kate McCullough of the College of Arts and Sciences examines four books to explore how queer narratives focus on the body and its senses to find alternative ways of experiencing and presenting time.
A painted portrait, from the 17th century, of a confident looking woman wearing an elaborate ruff and dark colored gown


Fashion police dictated gender norms in early modern Genoa

Sumptuary laws – designed to “control luxury clothing consumption and the social ills it could encourage” – constrained women more than they did men.
Book cover: Borrowing Paradise


A story of environmental hope set in Bali

"Borrowing Paradise," a new book for children, brings a community-centered Balinese Hindi ritual to life.
Looking down a desolate street damaged by war


Syria developments and foreign involvement: Cornell experts comment

Cornell government and history scholars provide perspective on the end of 14 years of civil war and 24 years of the Assad dictatorship.
Hand holding a smart phone showing the TikTok icon


TikTok in ‘increasingly desperate’ situation

We are one step closer to a world where TikTok will no longer be available on app stores, says Sarah Kreps, professor of government and law and director of the Tech Policy Institute at Cornell.
Graphic: Art + Tech Exhibit


Things to do: Student and ornithological art, nature crafts

The last day of classes nears, but there are still events across campus over the next week, including the Milstein Program's Art + Tech exhibit of student work.
Close up of white slats, each with a black paddle at the end
Provided Each machine features a bending paddle actuator that is only 7 nanometers thick and flexes when activated, mimicking the motion of a person sitting and standing during a stadium wave.


Micromachines autonomously coordinate using electronic pulses

Microscopic machines engineered by Cornell researchers can autonomously synchronize their movements, opening new possibilities for the use of microrobots in drug delivery, chemical mixing and environmental remediation, among other applications.
Person sits on a porch with one hand on a blue historic marker


Historic marker celebrates Pearl S. Buck’s stop in Ithaca

Years before writing “The Good Earth” and winning the Nobel Prize in Literature, the aspiring novelist received encouragement and a master’s degree at Cornell.
Yellow tape that says "Do Not Cross, Police"


Ethics expert on dark discourse around death of UnitedHealthcare CEO

The darker-than-darkly humorous comments and the horrified responses to them are compatible forms of righteous blame, says David Shoemaker, a professor in ethics and public life.
Three wooden figures posed to look tired


Immune T cells become exhausted in chronic fatigue syndrome patients

The study found that key CD8+ T cells showed signs of constant stimulation that lead to an exhausted state, a condition that is well-studied in cancer.
Book cover: Double Awesome Chinese Food


Cookbooks by Cornellians: Ideas for tasteful (and tasty!) holiday gifts

From vegetarian classics to a deep dive into Spanish cured meats—plus tempting treats and more—there’s something for everyone, many by A&S authors.
Allen Hatcher


Mathematician Allen Hatcher receives inaugural book prize

Allen Hatcher, a geometric topologist, will receive the award for his book, “Algebraic Topology,” published in 2002 by Cambridge University Press.
illustration showing illuminated boxes filled with light beams


New method compresses terabytes of genomic data into gigabytes

A new method developed at Cornell provides tools and methodologies to compress hundreds of terabytes of genomic data to gigabytes, once again enabling researchers to store datasets in local computers.
Three squares showing swirled colors: scientific images


Astronomer granted 600,000 supercomputer hours by DOE

“We are going to run the largest simulations of the magnetized gas that pervades the space between stars, with the aim of understanding a crucial missing piece in our models for how stars and galaxies form."
Double helix strands made out of tiny blue beads against a dark blue background


New pathway found for regulating zinc in E. coli

Cornell researchers have discovered a pathway by which E. coli regulates zinc levels, an insight that could advance the understanding of metal regulation in bacteria and lead to antibacterial applications such as in medical instruments.
Public building with a green domed roof, beside a river


Cornell democracy experts provide insight on South Korea martial law episode

Calls for impeachment are following South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol’s declaration and subsequent lifting of martial law. Cornell University experts provide insight on what other democracies should take away from the events of the last two days.
A wide river running through a city


Cornell expert available on South Korea imposing martial law

South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol says he will lift the declaration of martial law he had imposed overnight; his actions could reinvigorate South Korea’s tradition of expressing political dissent through candlelight rallies, says Sidney Tarrow, an emeritus professor of government.
A mother helping a child with the hood of a parka


Working moms set an example for the next generation

A girl who attends a school with classmates whose mothers work is more likely to be in the workforce when she has a child herself than a girl who grows up in local circles where most mothers stay at home, Cornell researchers have found.
Olga Verlato


Klarman Fellow wins Middle East Studies dissertation award

Olga Verlato's dissertation, “Languages of Power and People: Multilingualism, Politics, and Resistance in Modern Egypt and the Mediterranean,” received the Malcolm H. Kerr Award from the Middle East Studies Association of North America.
Three people look intensely at a small black and red machine in a science laboratory


Smallest walking robot makes microscale measurements

Cornell researchers in physics and engineering have created the smallest walking robot yet. Its mission: to be tiny enough to interact with waves of visible light and still move independently, so that it can maneuver, and take images and measurements.
Alexis Boyce, wearing headphones in front of a big microphone, smiles at the camera, wearing a bright colored, striped shirt.


Inclusive Excellence Podcast: Embrace discomfort and do it anyway

Alexis Boyce, Asian American Studies Program manager and co-chair of the Staff Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility Committee, discusses the group’s ongoing efforts to address staff concerns and drive meaningful change.
The panelists sitting in arm chairs, all three looking at Prof. Jamila Michener talking into the microphone.


A politicized Supreme Court meets a new moment for America

A panel of experts moderated by Zubrow Distinguished Visiting Journalist Ann Marimow '97 discussed the impact of the Supreme Court's decisions on ordinary Americans and the workings of American democracy.