News : page 13

Displaying 601 - 650 of 5513

Several people pose in front of a sign that says "HACKATHON"


Freshmen win top prize at digital ag hackathon

More than 120 students took part in the Digital Agriculture Hackathon, sponsored by the Cornell Institute for Digital Agriculture and Entrepreneurship at Cornell.
Valzhyna Mort


Faculty poet Valzhyna Mort reads her poem, “In the Woods of Language, She Collects Beautiful Sticks”

"I wrote this poem when I couldn't write a different poem," Mort says. "And this inability to write made me feel homeless in language and in poetry."
Person speaking at a podium


MLK lecture: Encourage democracy, fight suppression

Kimberlé Crenshaw ’81, a legal scholar, reflected on the ways Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s influence shaped her personal, academic and professional journey.
Tower as seen from Mcgraw


Four early-career faculty win 2024 Sloan Research awards

Assistant professors Anna Y.Q. Ho, Chao-Ming Jian, Rene Kizilcec and Karan Mehta are among 126 early-career researchers who have won 2024 Sloan Research Fellowships from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
Book cover: The Mechanical Tradition of Hero of Alexandria


Book brings elusive Greek technical writer into focus

Hero of Alexandria's writings on things like pneumatics, pure geometry and catapults have influenced many others through the ages and his principles touch early modern inventions including the player piano and the fire engine.
J. Robert Lennon


Lennon chases down literary thrills in new series

J. Robert Lennon’s “weird hike through the wilderness” of publishing has led him to a new and unexpected place: writing his first thriller, “Hard Girls,” published Feb. 20 by Mulholland Books.
Building with textured brick


How much do you know about Africana Studies on the Hill?

During Black History Month, test your knowledge of Cornell’s ground-breaking program with 10 trivia questions!
statue of Chairman Mao


Speaker series focuses on China’s communist past and present

A series of four lectures — two in the spring and two in the fall of 2024 — will focus on “Unmasking the CCP: History, Politics, and Society in Post-1949 China."
A group of students performing music outside.


A musical bridge: Cornell Wind Symphony makes transformative journey to Cuba

Cornell musicians traveled to Cuba for a tour in collaboration with the National Concert Band of Cuba.
colorful burst of light: purple, yellow, orange


Cornell astronomers on newly approved UVEX NASA mission

The space telescope, targeted to launch in 2030, has Cornell astronomers Anna Y. Q. Ho and Shrinivas R. Kulkarni on the mission team.
Jake Turner


Earth to be exhibit A for lunar exoplanet research

With the help of a Cornell astronomy researcher, the first radio telescope ever to land on the moon will lay the foundation for detecting habitable planets in our solar system by observing Earth as if it’s an exoplanet.
Doorway decorated with a wooden cross and colorful painting of four figures


Cornell expert on same-sex marriage in Greece vote

Legalizing same-sex marriage in Greece would show other Eastern Orthodox Christians that providing rights does not undermine culture and values, says sociology scholar Landon Schnabel.
Ishion Hutchinson


Book-length poem narrates struggle of young Black fighters in WWI

In the new book-length work, “School of Instructions: A Poem,” Ishion Hutchinson writes of the psychic and physical terrors of West Indian soldiers volunteering in British regiments in the Middle East during World War I.
Two people leaning back to back against a wall, shadowed


For couples, negative speaks louder than positive

People with stronger negative implicit judgments about a partner are more likely to perceive negativity in daily interactions with them, which hurts relationship satisfaction over time, Cornell psychology research finds.
Kimberlé Crenshaw ’81


Scholar to speak on intersectional justice at annual MLK lecture

This year’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Lecture on Feb. 19 will focus on the importance of understanding and addressing systems of oppression and their impact on multiple identities, including race and gender.
Sun rising over a flooded field


Climate roundtable sparks insight and invites collaboration

Song Lin, Tisch University Professor of chemistry and chemical biology, talked about how his lab is trying to mimic the way plants fix CO2, via the abundant enzyme Rubisco.
Fatema Gunja Sumar ’01


Founded by undergrads, service groups are still going strong

Meet some alums whose good works—from youth outreach to food drives—are being continued by a new generation
Book cover: Sharing Less Commonly Taught Languages


Book shines light on teaching ‘Less Commonly Taught Languages’

How can institutions, programs, and LCTL instructors collaborate and think across institutional boundaries to strengthen language offerings?
Graphic representing a material with yellow and purple balls connected by lines


Physicists detect elusive ‘Bragg glass’ phase with machine learning tool

The discovery settles a long-standing question of whether this almost–but not quite–ordered state of Bragg glass can exist in real materials.
camera person behind two movie stars


Alum’s Emmy caps his ‘Welcome to Wrexham’ experience

Miloš Balać ’11 was the primary point person on the ground, connecting with the town and the team.
Black and white historical photo of a person wearing spectacles set over a black and white mountain landscape


Juliana Hu Pegues to speak on Indigenous Feminist Activism

In this year’s Invitational Lecture hosted by the Society for the Humanities, Hu Pegues will examine the story of Tillie Paul, a Tlingit woman in Alaska
Jacob Anbinder


How did our housing get so expensive? Klarman Fellow dives into the history

Jacob Anbinder is finding political as well as economic reasons for the current housing crisis.
Several people in army fatigues surround a man, the leader, with a beard


Zaluzhny firing ‘sign of desperation more than calculation’

… the fall for recent failures and circumstances outside of President Zelensky’s control, says David Silbey. … Zaluzhny firing ‘sign of desperation more than calculation’ …
Person stands with microphone, speaking intently while three others listen


Students debate free speech in the workplace

Students from ILR and the College of Arts and Sciences debated “Speechless: Should Union Organizers Have Free Speech Rights in the Workplace?” on Jan. 31 in Ives Hall, supporting the Freedom of Expression Theme Year.
trees with pink blossoms in front of a clock tower and a library building


Engaged Conversations Series to focus on community partnerships

The Einhorn Center for Community Engagement has launched a set of speaker events and workshops designed for anyone incorporating CEL into curricula, research and other programs.
metal puck levitates above a slightly pitted white surface


'Flawed' material resolves superconductor conundrum

Researchers developed a more controlled way of making nickelates, a material that could potentially help pinpoint the key qualities that enable high-temperature superconductivity.
Long, low stone building in front of a plaza under a blue sky. A few people walk about


Cornell Latin American politics expert on El Salvador election

President of El Salvador Nayib Bukele is on track to handedly win reelection on Sunday.
Person standing at a podium, smiling and gesturing


‘Cosmos’ screening features ice cream and live Q&A with Ann Druyan

As part of their “Voyager Spacecraft Week,” the Cornell Astronomical Society joins Cornell Cinema to present “Cosmos” Episode 6: “Traveler’s Tales” on Feb. 13.
Overhead view of Cornell's campus buildings under a light sky, with a lake in the distance


Twelve new Klarman Fellows to pursue innovative, timely research in A&S

This fifth cohort of Klarman Fellows is the largest since the program was launched in 2019.
Illustration consisting of several orange slashes forming an upward V shape


Researchers develop new model to predict surface atom scattering

Helium beams are potentially very useful for understanding the surface characteristics of materials on the molecular level.
Person wearing hockey gloves and a Cornell t-shirt, carrying a hockey stick and smiling


Rising stars: Harrison Award honors recent alumni leaders

Four special guests, including Arts & Sciences alumni, will be honored at the Cornell Alumni Leadership Conference in Baltimore in February.
Illustration of leaves


Speaker series to examine antisemitism, Islamophobia

Leading academics from around the country will join Cornell experts in a semester-long series, “Antisemitism and Islamophobia Examined."
Outline of a brain in colorful lines against a black background


Mouse social calls and distress calls linked to different neurons

“Vocal communication is central to our experience as humans and fundamental to social success for animals generally,” said Prof. Katherine Tschida.
An x-ray image of a worm, curved up like a smile, all red.


Tiny worm offers window into important protein modifications

“The more we understand protein modification and function, the better we understand its central role for human health and disease.”
White and blue flag of Israel seen at a distance between two buildings


Cornell scholar: Biden should bypass Bibi, appeal directly to Israelis

Israeli prime minister Bibi Netanyahu is an impasse to Biden's "dream deal" approach to the Gaza crisis, says government scholar Uriel Abulof.
Large aircraft without a cockpit parked on a runway at sunset


Iran has little incentive to dissuade proxy attacks against US troops

"Mounting an attack with clearly identifiable Iranian forces is probably off the table," says David Silbey, associate professor of history, "but further proxy attacks are likely to continue.”
Looking down on a stage with a large orchestra arranged on it


Ukraine’s National Symphony Orchestra featured in Cornell Concert Series 

The Cornell Concert Series event, featuring conductor Volodymyr Sirenko and cellist Natalia Khoma, takes place Feb. 10 in Bailey Hall. 
Image of a computer screen showing code on the left and twelve squares containing faces in the center and right


‘Another Body’ documentary exposes harm of deepfake technology

The film focuses on the gendered implications of deepfake technology; a free screening Feb. 7 will be presented by the Milstein Program in the College of Arts and Sciences, partnering with Cornell Cinema.
Piece of scientific equipment the size of a room, shaped in a circle


Cornell takes role in advancing software at CERN

Cornell and other U.S. universities have been awarded $25 million from the National Science Foundation for research at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Switzerland.
Rhoda Feng, wearing big black glasses, long hair and a serious expression


Freelance writer Rhoda Feng wins 2022-23 Nathan Award

The committee praised the verve, precision, and wry wit of Feng’s criticism, observing that she also brings historically and culturally informed sensibilities to all her reviewing.
Gold "Oscar" statuette in front of a film take board


Oscar nominations: Cornell expert on racial representation in performing arts

Kristen Warner, who studies the impact of racial representation in the performing arts, highlights the shutout of Ava Duvernay’s “Origin” across the board, as well as racial politics of the Oscars.
Illustration of a cell showing a purple oval containing a pink circle and five blue oblongs


New insights into metabolites that control aging and disease

The study presents an unexpected connection between spermidine, a long-known compound present in all living cells, and sirtuins, an enzyme family that regulates many life-essential functions.
Eight people stand shoulder to shoulder


Student grant board funds social justice community projects

Thirteen student-community projects received grants through the Community Partnership Funding Board’s latest round of funding. Their shared goal: to bring social justice to the community.
Armita holding cramp-bites


Cornell student creates alternative remedy to relieve period pain

Armita Jamshidi ‘25, a computer science major and Harrison College Scholar, founded Aunt Flo’s Kitchen and is a new member of eLab.
Black and white historic photo of a half dozen young men, relaxing togther around a table


For 75+ years, students have made Watermargin a home

The pioneering co-op led the way in creating an interracial, interfaith house as a nondiscriminatory ideal.
Illustration of a DNA double helix in blue and purple dots


‘Shredding’ cancer cells: Study of CRISPR-Cas3 brings us a step closer

Cornell researchers have taken an important step toward harnessing CRISPR gene editing in “targeted, safe and potent” cancer treatment.
Person touching papers coming out of an old box


Campus time capsules are blasts from the past

From contemporary ephemera to a missive from Ezra himself, the historic containers are relics of an earlier Cornell.
Sign showing Populism going one way and democracy the other


Democratic decline a global phenomenon, even in wealthy nations

Democratic backsliding is occurring in an unprecedented number of wealthy countries once thought immune to such forces – the United States among them, finds a new analysis led by Cornell political scientists.
three men on stage


With 'Succession,' another Emmy for producer Scott Ferguson '82, BA '83

The veteran Hollywood exec boasts a resume including Oscar winners, ratings toppers and critical favorites.
White plate on a pink background, with a fork and a knife. There is a sad face drawn on the plate


Opinion: What Oprah gets right about diet culture

Some Americans felt betrayed when Oprah Winfrey recently revealed that she had taken weight-loss medication, writes Adrienne Bitar, lecturer in the American Studies Program, in a CNN op-ed.