The in-person event The Day After: What Happened on Election Night and What Happens Next will be held November 9 from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in Martha Van Rensselaer Hall Room 155.
Inulin, a type of dietary fiber commonly used in health supplements and known to have certain anti-inflammatory properties, can also promote an allergy-related type of inflammation in the lung and gut, and other parts of the body, according to a preclinical study from Cornell researchers.
… leaders for decades before him, outgoing Premier Wen Jibao’s final Government Work Report in 2013 presented a litany of … Xi Jinping – recently awarded a third term as generalsecretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) – presided … about the need to think about factors outside of the U.S. and Europe driving its global rise and fall. Read the …
Eleven Cornell students, including two from Arts & Sciences, will help delegations from specialized agencies and small countries gain a stronger voice at the United Nations’ COP27 conference.
New research by Cornell behavioral economists reveals that people who would benefit the most from gentle “nudges” to pay their fines – those who are least responsive to tickets in the first place – respond least to those reminders.
by :
Sheri Englund
Jackie Swift
Cornell Chronicle
When political parties stoke partisan conflicts – often by contesting formal state institutions, like systems for managing elections – actual democratic capacity may take a hit as public opinion polarizes.
Student founders from any field across Cornell may apply; once accepted, participants engage in entrepreneurship bootcamps, conduct customer discovery, refine their business plans and gain access to a network of successful Cornell alumni, all while earning college credit.
… proposal – for an art exhibit centered around the use of human waste as fertilizer – to the Cornell Biennial’s call … it would get funded.” But the Cornell Council for the Arts (CCA), which runs the Biennial , did fund the proposal, … and international agriculture and rural development in the Collegeof Agriculture and Life Sciences, and LeBeau, a …
Five International Cornell Curriculum grants totaling $114,000 will support faculty developing courses that feature international experiences for students.
Cornell researchers have discovered a way to apply expansion microscopy, which expands cell components to make them more visible, to lipids using click chemistry, recognized with the 2022 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
Survey data shows how the Trump administration’s partisan response led ordinary citizens to prioritize what was good for their “team” rather than what was good for their country.
When politicians get close to constituents, either physically or digitally, they manage expectations and offer assurances to constituents. But they also expose themselves to scrutiny, giving people the chance to see beyond the performance into imperfect government workings.
“By understanding the evolution of these proteins, we can understand how nature adapts to environmental changes at the molecular level. In turn, we also learn about our planet’s past.”
Supported by a grant from the College of Arts and Sciences' Rural Humanities initiative through an Andrew W. Mellon Foundation award, a 30-page publication highlights the stories of five Black owners of forestland in Massachusetts, New York, New Hampshire and Vermont
… ORIE 3150 Financial and Managerial Accounting • SPAN 1230 Continuing Spanish For the complete list of courses, see the … more stories on programs offered by Cornell's School of ContinuingEducation. Shelley Preston is the School of Continuing …
… that will help her meet the requirements for pursuing a master’s degree in Asian Studies. She is one of more than 130 Cornell employees taking courses for credit … I worked for Cornell, I worked for the Tompkins County Public Library as a library page. I came here from Thailand …
… professional students, interns and residents, and offers continuingeducation credits for veterinarians. She also researches … Awards , which recognize excellence in undergraduate education. Read the story in the Cornell Chronicle . … “These …
The United States must transform its outdated migration policies to address the human devastation that is left in the wake of climate change and environmental catastrophe, Maria Cristina Garcia argues.
Using computer simulations, Cornell researchers demonstrate that strong reflections can be generated by interference between geological layers, without liquid water or other rare materials.
Sturt Manning has zeroed in on a much narrower range of dates, approximately 1609–1560 BCE, for the eruption on Santorini, a pivotal event in the prehistory of the region.
Six Cornell faculty members from three different colleges will work together to improve epidemiological models of infectious disease using a $1 million grant from the National Science Foundation.
A team of researchers has discovered a non-invasive biomarker that could aid with earlier diagnosis of breast cancer, the most common cancer among women, which will likely affect one in 13 women during their lives.
Remembered as a powerful thinker and brilliant teacher, Shoemaker contributed to the outstanding reputation of Cornell philosophy during the second half of the twentieth century,
The researchers will conduct public opinion surveys on how governments respond when asteroids and comets threaten cities, countries, or at the extreme, even the entire earth.
An acclaimed historian of the Caribbean and a multidisciplinary professor of the built environment have been appointed the newest A.D. White Professors-at-Large.
Nine Afghan undergraduates from Bangladesh-based Asian University for Women fled their country after the Taliban took control in August 2021, arriving in Ithaca four months later.