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 Workers walking with a solar panel


Seizing energy from the rooftops

Thanks to nearly 300 solar panels installed on both buildings in mid-December, the sun’s rays hitting the roof on Cornell’s Human Ecology Building and Klarman Hall now produce energy.

 Klarman Hall


Klarman Hall: a new light-filled space for the humanities

Klarman Hall, the newest home for some of our humanities departments, is the brand-new showpiece of Cornell's central campus.

 Paul Mutolo ’94


Mutolo unveils hydrogen future for carbon present

Paul Mutolo ’94 harnesses the hydrogen future, bringing it to bear on the carbon present: For his TEDx Chemung River talk in November, Mutolo, director of external partnerships at Cornell’s Energy Materials Center, imagined a world where cars no longer use oil. “There would be no smog in our cities. There would be no wars over oil-rich regions.

 Ice floe


Arts and Sciences faculty can apply for digital grants

College of Arts and Sciences faculty and graduate students have until Jan. 31 to apply for grants to digitize their hidden treasures and make them freely available around the world.

 Polymer diagram


Polymer breakthrough could revolutionize water purification

A team of Cornell researchers has invented a material that could revolutionize the water-purification industry.

 Pianist Yujin "Stacy" Joo '16


Yujin 'Stacy' Joo '16 wins Cornell Concerto Competition

Pianist Yujin "Stacy" Joo '16 won the 12th annual Cornell Concerto Competition Dec. 13 for her performance of Prokofiev's Piano Concerto No. 3 in C Major, Op. 26, Mvt. 1, accompanied by Blaise Bryski. A chemistry and biology major in the College of Arts and Sciences, Joo has played piano for ensembles including the orchestra, wind symphony and a cover band.

 Benedict Anderson


Benedict Anderson, who wrote ‘Imagined Communities,' dies

Benedict Anderson, a Cornell professor emeritus in government who wrote “Imagined Communities,” the book that set the pace for the academic study of nationalism, died Dec. 13 in East Java, Indonesia. He was 79.

Anderson, the Aaron L. Binenkorb Emeritus Professor of International Studies, taught at Cornell from 1967 to 2002.

 Steven E. Alvarado


Scholar describes pitfalls minorities face in academia

For scholars from underrepresented minority groups, the concept of selection in academia and professional education is inseparable from historic and contemporary realities of exclusion and marginalization.

Explaining the complexities of this selection was the main theme of the Fall Diversity in Scholarship and Engagement Symposium keynote speech, delivered by sociologist Steven E. Alvarado, Dec. 7 in Warren Hall.

 Wendy Leutert


Leutert wins 2015 Fulbright-Hays Fellowship award for China study

Wendy Leutert, a doctoral candidate in the field of government and international relations, has won a 2015-16 Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship. A total of 86 fellowships were awarded this year.

 Adam Smith


New book explores how objects support political power

From Bronze Age traditions of mortuary ritual and divination to current controversies over flag pins and Predator drones, a new book by anthropology professor Adam Smith sheds light on how material goods authorize and defend political order.

 Book cover for The Bare-Sarked Warrior


New book spotlights paradoxes of female warrior role

A history professor uncovers two versions of a story about a famed Norse figure.

 Vole with her offspring


Prairie vole research focuses on philandering, benefits of socialization

Study finds no matter how neglected the child, there’s still hope – at least for prairie voles. 

 Hands hold oobleck, a white substance in liquid and solid form


The secret of Oobleck revealed at last

If your kids ever brought home some Oobleck from school, you had a glimpse of a long-standing scientific controversy. Next time, you can just have fun with it, knowing that the argument is over. Cornell physicists have finally explained what makes Oobleck so weird.

 Robert Morgan


Morgan on Harper Lee: 'a telling lesson in novel writing'

“Fiction can transform a particular history into art of universal significance,” author and Kappa Alpha Professor of English Robert Morgan said Nov. 19 in “History and Fiction: The Growth of an Artist – Harper Lee’s ‘Go Set A Watchman’,” a talk in Goldwin Smith Hall.

 Joe Fetcho


Zebrafish brains open doors to all brains

Neurobiologist Joe Fetcho's research helps us understand how brain circuits produce behaviors.

 Book of Hours: Use of Rome, circa 1500. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections


'Gods and Scholars' brings religious artifacts to light

Just because Cornell University is nonsectarian doesn’t mean its founders objected to the discussion, practice or study of religion.

 'PhDivas' co-hosts Elizabeth (Liz) Wayne and Christine (Xine) Yao address academic life, differences, popular culture and other topics on their podcast. Photo by Michelle Tong.


'PhDivas' discourse across disciplines and differences

A podcast bridging the STEM-humanities divide launched by two grad students has found listeners in six countries.

 Philip Gourevitch


Lecture launches Shoah Foundation archives at Cornell

In the 1994 Rwandan genocide, neighbors killed lifelong neighbors, husbands killed wives and parents killed children. It was an intimate conflict, according to Philip Gourevitch ’86, staff writer for The New Yorker and an experienced reporter on the Rwandan genocide.

 Kenneth McClane


McClane looks at friendship in Phi Beta Kappa lecture

Kenneth A. McClane ’73, this year's Phi Beta Kappa lecturer, recounted his family’s role in the Civil Rights movement.

 Malcolm Bilson


Malcolm Bilson receives medal in Hungary

On a recent trip to Budapest, Malcolm Bilson, the Frederick J. Whiton Professor of Music Emeritus, received The Order of the Hungarian Gold Cross, an award given each year to seven or eight foreigners who are distinguished artists, scientists, writers and others for their contribution to Hungarian intellectual and cultural life.

 Marice Wilbur Stith


Emeritus professor, director of bands Marice Stith dies

Professor Emeritus of Music Marice Wilbur Stith, who as director of bands conducted the Cornell University Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band over his 23-year Cornell career, died Oct. 7 at Cayuga Medical Center after a long illness. He was 89.

 Jesse Goldberg


Professor Jesse Goldberg wins NIH 'new innovator' award

Three young Cornell researchers have won National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director’s New Innovator Awards. Part of the NIH’s High-Risk, High-Reward Research Program, the awards provide up to $1.5 million over five years for innovative, high-impact projects.

 Philip Gourevitch ’86


Lecture to launch Cornell access to genocide archive

The USC Shoah Foundation Visual History Archives is an unparalleled resource of some 53,000 individual testimonies of survivors of the Nazi Holocaust, the Rwandan genocide, the Nanjing massacre and the Armenian genocide. Cornell will mark the launch of its access to the archive Tuesday, Nov. 3, with a talk by noted New Yorker columnist and Rwandan genocide expert Philip Gourevitch ’86.

 Books on a table


Misreading Frost, rethinking the lyric in new poetry books

American poet Robert Frost was not above toying with his friends, or his readers. And one of his best-known works may be his grandest joke of all, as detailed in a new book by David Orr, “The Road Not Taken: Finding America in the Poem Everyone Loves and Almost Everyone Gets Wrong” (Penguin).

 Will Gluck


'Annie' director Will Gluck shares career advice

The director shared what it's really like to work in Hollywood.



New gene drive technology evokes hopes and fears

The idea of introducing a novel gene into a few individuals that then spreads through an entire population sounds like a premise for science fiction. And yet fiction can be prophetic.
Cornell researchers have used mathematical models to illuminate the promises – and potential problems – of a new genome editing mechanism, called a gene drive.

 SCUBA diver


Fund lets undergrads gain ecological field experience

Grad student Rachel Abbott and undergrads Andy Wong ‘17 and Diamond Oden ‘17 have become experts in identifying various creatures of the Adirondacks – the calanoid copepods that they’re studying, as well as myriad others that were biting them as they spent hours taking water samples in canoes.

 A single plant root floats in a container of water


Scientists unravel root cause of plant twists and turns

To feed the world’s burgeoning population, producers must grow crops in more challenging terrain – where plant roots must cope with barriers. To that end, Cornell University physicists and Boyce Thompson Institute plant biologists have uncovered a valuable plant root action, in that roots – when their downward path is blocked, as often occurs in rocky soil – display a “grow and switch” behavior, now reported in the latest Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.



Lunine tells Congress ways, means for new space voyages

To review current astrobiological knowledge and assess the prospects of life beyond Earth, the U.S. House Committee on Science, Space and Technology heard testimony Sept. 29 in Washington, D.C., from Cornell’s Jonathan Lunine and three other space experts on the reasons, ways and means for space exploration’s next steps.

 Will Dichtel


Chemist Dichtel earns 'Genius Award'

Chemist Will Dichtel's work may allow for ample electricity and for detecting trace amounts of explosives.



Glee Club '66 tour alums re-create melodic diplomacy

When members from the Cornell Glee Club’s 1966 tour of Southeast Asia joined the current singers on stage Sept. 19 at Bailey Hall, passion poured through the music. The audience replied with a standing ovation, making it a Homecoming concert for the ages.

 Kurt Jordan


Local Native Indian history buried in obscurity

Ithaca is dotted with buried Native American sites, according to Kurt Jordan, associate professor of anthropology in the College of Arts & Sciences, who also has an appointment with theAmerican Indian Program in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

Yet these sites are incredibly difficult to comprehend because centuries of residential and commercial development has altered the landscape.

 A discussion panel of four people


Garrett moderates Democracy & Inequality panel

“Those lacking jobs, education and resources are essentially voiceless in the [democratic] process,” Cornell's new president said. 



Cornell nanotech facility receives $8M NSF grant

The National Science Foundation has selected the Cornell NanoScale Science and Technology Facility (CNF) to be part of the newly established National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI). Cornell will receive $8 million from the federal agency over five years.



Under Saturnian moon's icy crust lies a 'global' ocean

The Cassini-Huygens mission could lead to more discoveries in the search for Earth 2.0.

 M.H. Abrams


M.H. Abrams remembered with verse, music, stories

A memorial celebration Sept. 12 in Statler Auditorium brought together much of what M.H. “Mike” Abrams cherished – poetry, Elizabethan music, family, friends and colleagues.



Peter Katzenstein sees no new Cold War

An international studies professor says the U.S. is not entering a new Cold War with Russia, but rather a Cold Peace.

 Peter Enns


Roper Center opinion archive comes to Cornell

The public opinion archive holds data dating from the 1930s.

 President Garrett


Panel on democracy, inequality will cap inauguration

Our new president invites students to participate in this important discussion TODAY at 3:00 pm.

 Goldwin Smith Hall


Taylor gift will enrich humanities, social sciences

Stanford ’50 and Joann Taylor’s $5.2 million gift will support postdoctoral fellowships and the Society for the Humanities.



William Provine, history of science scholar, dies at 73

William Provine, the Andrew H. and James L. Tisch Distinguished University Professor Emeritus at Cornell, died Sept. 1 due to complications from a brain tumor at his home in Horseheads, New York. He was 73.

Provine, a professor of the history of biology in the departments of History and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, was born Feb. 19, 1942, in Nashville, Tennessee.



Computational social science conference set for Sept. 11-12

As a leader in research at the intersection of computer/information science and the social sciences, Cornell has helped to define and create the field of computational social science.

On Sept. 11-12, Cornell will host a conference showcasing cutting-edge research in the field and featuring alumni and other noted scholars in the discipline.



Engaged Cornell awards its first curriculum grants

Engaged Cornell has awarded its inaugural Engaged Curriculum Grants to 18 projects initiated by faculty across the university. The grants, totaling $930,299, support work that places community-engaged learning at the heart of the Cornell student experience.



Cornell spinoff Novomer receives national award

The three co-founders of Novomer, a startup company based on Cornell research, have received the 2016 Kathryn C. Hach Award for Entrepreneurial Success from the American Chemical Society (ACS), the society has announced.



Unfinished ‘map’ of cultural images online

Aby Warburg – whose early 20th-century emphasis on the power of recurrent images was eerily prescient of contemporary thought – died before he could finish his “Mnemosyne Atlas,” consisting of large panels of collages tracing the history of art.



Cornell welcomes most diverse freshman class

First-year students arriving on campus this week are members of Cornell’s most racially diverse incoming freshman class since the university began keeping records on race in the early 1980s.



M.H. Abrams memorial set for Sept. 12

The Cornell University Department of English will hold a memorial celebration for M.H. Abrams, the Class of 1916 Professor of English Emeritus, in Statler Auditorium, Statler Hall at 2 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 12. The celebration is free and open to the public.

Abrams, a towering figure in literary and cultural studies, died at the age of 102 on April 21, 2015.



Like paper, graphene folds into nanoscale machines

Physicist combines visual arts background with ground-breaking material.



Examining black 'transness' through contemporary media

For C. Riley Snorton, assistant professor of Africana studies and of feminist, gender and sexuality studies in Cornell’s College of Arts and Sciences, winning a coveted National Endowment for the Humanities-Schomburg Center Scholar-in-Residence fellowship is the chance of a lifetime. 

He will examine a topic that has intrigued him since college, when he first self-identified as a transgender person – and write a book about it.

 A large sun shines behind a red planet and a smaller black planet in space


Astronomers bring a new hope to find 'Tatooine' planets

Sibling suns – made famous in the “Star Wars” scene where Luke Skywalker gazes toward a double sunset – and the planets around them may be more common than we’ve thought, and Cornell astronomers are presenting new ideas on how to find them.