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Black and white historic photo of Ezra Cornell, frowning and holding a pen.


‘Good health, tempered courage, and sound common sense’

Those are the gifts that fate gave Ezra Cornell, per one historian. Here’s a look at his life—from humble beginnings to great wealth.
Four people wearing suits, all chomping on slices of pizza and holding plates


Marketing wisdom, from the alum who helped turn Domino’s around

Each year, now-CEO Russell Weiner ’90 comes back to the Hill to speak about the secret sauce behind the pizza chain’s renaissance
Book cover: Double Awesome Chinese Food


Cookbooks by Cornellians: Ideas for tasteful (and tasty!) holiday gifts

From vegetarian classics to a deep dive into Spanish cured meats—plus tempting treats and more—there’s something for everyone, many by A&S authors.
John Hopfield


John Hopfield, Ph.D. ’58, wins Nobel Prize in physics

Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton of the University of Toronto were honored for their work in training artificial neural networks.
Ling Ma


Author alum wins MacArthur ‘genius grant’

Ling Ma, MFA ’16, has earned raves for her fiction; a Cornell Tech prof also received one of the coveted fellowships.
Medalion featuring a smiling face, placed on a yellow cloth


Remembering the sacrifice of a Cornellian lost in war

Campus event honored Marine Corps Maj. Richard Gannon ’95, who was just 31 when he died in Iraq two decades ago
Michelle Knudsen


Bestselling children’s author weaves tales of wonder

The latest by Michelle Knudsen ’95, of Library Lion fame: the story of a sensitive spider who yearns to be a pet kitten
Kate Manne


A moral philosopher contemplates the evils of 'fatphobia'

After penning two acclaimed books on misogyny, Kate Manne turns her attention to a different—but related—form of oppression
three men on stage


With 'Succession,' another Emmy for producer Scott Ferguson '82, BA '83

The veteran Hollywood exec boasts a resume including Oscar winners, ratings toppers and critical favorites.
Book cover: Cornell, A History


Big Red books, perfect for gifting

Need a present for the Cornellian on your list? Here are titles on University history, traditions, songs, famous alums—even recipes!
Person sitting on a floor surrounded by books on shelves


Novels set at ‘Cornell’ bring you home to the Hill

The University has served as a backdrop for literary fiction, mysteries, tales inspired by real-life events, and more.
Two people stand in front of a red backgroun, holding a framed diploma


‘March Madness’ Contest Will Crown the Top Fictional Alum

Cornell history maven Corey Earle ’07 is running a Twitter poll with 64 contenders—and you can vote.
Person wearing a suit standing behind a desk, speaking seriously


On a Half-Century of Navigating a ‘Maze Lined with Flypaper’

First elected at just 23, retired Assemblyman Richard Gottfried ’68 holds the record for longest-serving New York State legislator.
J.C. Dombrowski


TikTok Star’s Eclectic Offerings Entertain—and Educate—Millions

Exploring topics from marine mammals to moisturizers, leading influencer J.C. Dombrowski ’23 loves to share science.
two men by barrels of wine


Big Red (and white): 2022 alumni wine collection launches

Now an annual tradition, the program showcases offerings by Cornellian-owned wineries.
Etching showing a stately building and horse and carriage traffic around it


Book explores the centuries-old influence of ‘Protestant Brooklyn’

Professors Glenn Altschuler, PhD ’76, and Stuart Blumin take a deep dive into the borough once known as the "city of churches."
Anna Shechtman


Get a Clue: Anna Shechtman Is a Star in the World of Crosswords

The Klarman Fellow (and future prof) is a regular contributor to the New Yorker—and she created a puzzle just for Cornellians!
Chris Pavone


Chris Pavone ’89 Pens Globe-Trotting Tales Packed with Twists and Turns

The bestselling author’s latest thriller follows a heroine with a secret past—and a kidnapped husband.
Person leading a singing group in a chapel


The University Chorus Makes Beautiful Music

Originally known as the Women’s Glee Club, the group will celebrate its centennial at Reunion ’22.
Three people wearing bright red hockey jerseys


History Brothers: A Chat with Evan Earle ’02, MS ’14, and Corey Earle ’07

Steeped in Big Red lore since childhood, they ponder their favorite artifacts, what Ezra would think of today’s University, and more.
Person cooking in a dining hall


Chef Irene Li ’12, BA ’15, marries culinary verve and social action

The Boston restaurateur and dumpling maven now boasts a James Beard Leadership Award.
students visiting the vatican


Living language

With the hiring of a former Vatican translator, Cornell has become a hub of an unlikely field in the modern age: spoken Latin. This Cornell Alumni Magazine article highlights the work of Daniel Gallagher, a former Catholic monsignor who spent a decade working at the Vatican.

 Tigers on an enclosed bridge


Veteran banker and A&S alum leads America’s oldest zoo

Philadelphia Zoo president and CEO Vik Dewan ’76, an alum of the College of Arts & Sciences, is profiled in this piece in the most recent Cornell Alumni Magazine

Leader of the zoo since 2006, the story says that Dewan, an economics and government major, has spearheaded many innovations during his tenure, including an ever-expanding system of enclosed trails.



The wide world

This Cornell Alumni Magazine story explores the work of Cornell's Social Dynamics Laboratory, which uses online networks to study human behavior at a once-unimaginable scale.