Walk by a bakery, and you’ll smell fresh-baked bread. But would you smell it, if you’d never learned what bread was? “Not necessarily,” says Thomas A. Cleland, associate professor of psychology.
“The very concept of having odors that you recognize and identify, even being able to pick them out of the messy olfactory world out there, absolutely depends on learning,” says Cleland in a Cornell Research story. “I argue that learning is fundamental to even being able to smell at all.”
Noël Heaney/Cornell University
Héctor D. Abruña, the Émile M. Chamot Professor of Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, gives remarks at the opening ceremony of the Abruña Energy Initiative Fast Battery Charging Facility, located in in the northeast corner of the Fleet Services parking lot.
Katharine Downey/Cornell University
Damon Hollenbeck '25 pitches his business CRIT to a crowd at the 2024 Cornell Entrepreneurship Showcase: Student Pitches and Venture Panel.