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Media source: Global Cornell

Black lamp post holding up a red poster that says Global Research


Einaudi seed grants grow international collaborations

A new round of Einaudi Center seed grants will help faculty from across Cornell, including three from the College of Arts & Sciences, tackle issues ranging from drone-assisted healthcare delivery for migrants to sustainable infrastructure design for Ukraine.
Sun setting over a city


Global center promises design solutions for warming world

A Cornell-led project team – with Global Hubs partners in India, the U.K, Ghana and Singapore – has received a two-year $250,000 design grant from the National Science Foundation to bring more comfortable days and nights to homes everywhere.
four people


Einaudi welcomes new program directors and opportunities

Three new faculty program directors join the Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies this fall, providing leadership for the center’s regional programs on Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe and Southeast Asia.
 Blue mountains recede into the distance


Race and racism across borders

The collection, assembled by Global Cornell, includes prose, poems and visual art submitted by Cornell students and alumni.
 Pink and green bird on a wire, blue sky


Cornell in Berlin: Full immersion

Patrizia McBride, professor and chair in the Department of German Studies, is featured in this Global Cornell story about the Cornell in Berlin program and its close connection to Freie Universitaet (or Free University).“The Freie is a model of higher education that emphasizes the importance of international relations,” McBride says in the story.
 undergraduate students


Global scholars study English and more

This summer, 38 undergraduates, grad students, and visiting scholars from 12 nations are enrolled in Cornell's English for International Students and Scholars (EISS) program, according to this story on the Global Cornell website.


Bringing the world to campus

This year’s Cornell Model United Nations Conference brought more than 800 high school students to campus in April. The conference, which is organized annually by the Cornell International Affairs Society, included high school delegates who hailed from across the United States and from around the world.
 Huskies pulling sled


Contested terrain: Historian probes Earth’s polar regions

Dawn Berry is a visiting scholar in the Department of History at Cornell, and former postdoctoral fellow in foreign policy, security studies, and diplomatic history at the Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies.How did you become interested in foreign policy relating to the Arctic and Antarctic, and why are these regions important?
 Sujata Singh with students


Learning Hindi, Teaching English

Students have three weeks of Hindi instruction on campus, then a three-week immersion in India.