News : page 3

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Byline: Susan Kelley

 Katherine Kinzler


Diverse faculty shift national discourse one op-ed at a time

The voices shaping the important conversations of our age, from racial unrest to income inequality and the war on cancer, are now a little more diverse, thanks to a group of Cornell faculty members.
 David Pizarro


Do the right thing: Moral sticklers seen as more trustworthy

David Pizarro, associate professor of psychology, asked people to judge others based on how they responded to hypothetical moral dilemmas.
 Professor James Cutting


Here's looking at you, kid: Filmmakers know how we read emotions

Filmmakers choose their shots to get us close to their characters.
 Adam Smith


New book explores how objects support political power

From Bronze Age traditions of mortuary ritual and divination to current controversies over flag pins and Predator drones, a new book by anthropology professor Adam Smith sheds light on how material goods authorize and defend political order.
 Vole with her offspring


Prairie vole research focuses on philandering, benefits of socialization

Study finds no matter how neglected the child, there’s still hope – at least for prairie voles.