Two mathematics professors honored with 2019 Simons Fellowships

The Simons Foundation’s Mathematics and Physical Sciences (MPS) division recently honored mathematics professors Irena Peeva and Yuri Berest with Simons Fellowships in mathematics.

“The Simons Fellowship will allow me to spend the 2019 Fall semester in Europe, visiting Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) in Zurich and the University of Edinburgh in the UK where my collaborators work,” Berest said.

The foundation advances research in mathematics and the sciences through grants to individual investigators and their projects. The fellowships make sabbatical leaves more productive by extending them to a full academic year, providing up to $100,000 in salary replacement of and up to $10,000 for expenses related to the leave.

Peeva’s research focuses on commutative algebra, free resolutions and Hilbert Functions. She has done work on the many connections of commutative algebra with algebraic geometry, combinatorics, computational algebra, noncommutative algebra and subspace arrangements.

Berest’s research includes representation theory, algebraic geometry, homological algebra and mathematical physics. Berest’s most recent work is related to derived algebraic geometry, algebraic homotopy theory and their applications in representation theory and low-dimensional topology.

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