New Faculty: Yunan Yang

Yunan Yang

Goenka Family Assistant Professor, Mathematics

Academic focus:

I am interested in numerical analysis, inverse problems, nonconvex optimization, optimal transport and machine learning.

Current research project: 

One of my main research interests is exploring the potential of optimal transport in applied mathematics. The optimal mass transport problem seeks the most efficient way of transforming one mass distribution to the other relative to a given cost function. It was first brought up by Monge in 1781 and later expanded by Kantorovich. The topic of optimal transportation has been a prominent subject of study for several decades, owing to the sound theoretical foundation established over the past two centuries through mathematical analysis.

Previous positions:

  • Advanced Fellow, Institute for Theoretical Studies, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 2022-2023
  • Simons-Berkeley Research Fellow, Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing, 2021
  • Courant Instructor, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, 2018-2021

Academic background:

  • Ph.D., Mathematics, The University of Texas at Austin, 2018
  • B.S., Mathematics and applied mathematics, Zhejiang University, 2013

Last book read:

“Outliers” by Malcolm Gladwell

In your own time/when not working:

Watch movies and go hiking

Courses you’re most looking forward to teaching:

Inverse Problems, Topics in Analysis, Optimal Transportation

What most excites you about Cornell:

The beautiful geographical location, the friendly department, the vibrant research activities and the strong support from the university administration

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Yunan Yang