‘The devil is in the details’ for NYC solitary confinement ban

Today New York City Councilman Daniel Dromm is set to introduce a bill that prohibits solitary confinement as a means of punishment. On Friday, the New York City council will hold a hearing on the proposed bill, fast-tracking the process to stop the controversial practice.

Joe Margulies, professor of law and government at Cornell University, says if the bill passes in New York City it will accelerate a national trend against solitary confinement, but he also warns of the importance of ensuring jails don’t continue the practice under a different name.

“This is a welcome development, and if it becomes law, it promises to accelerate a larger national trend against solitary confinement. But the devil is in the details, and even if the bill passes, we have to make sure jails don’t continue the practice under some other name. Change in name only is no change at all.”

For media inquiries, contact Linda Glaser, news & media relations manager, lbg37@cornell.edu, 607-255-8942

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