For Staff

Staff Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility Committee

Our Mission is to honor our college's commitment to upholding the values of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility through ongoing action, intentionally cultivating a sense of belonging for all identities and intersections of these identities.

Through open and civil dialogue, work together with the university diversity council, university diversity officers, the Office of Human Resources, and other stakeholders to promote and inform Cornell's diversity initiatives and goals within the College of Arts and Sciences, with a specific focus on staff but in collaboration wherever possible with other community initiatives. 

Promote the lens of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in all College recruitment, retention, and programming activities with the goal of parity for all College employees.

Why is it important?

  • Improve engagement where people are involved, developed and empowered.
  • Foster an inclusive environment where individuals feel they belong.
  • Counteract unconscious bias environment.
  • Create a diverse environment where we have the opportunity to learn to embrace differences.
  • Increase rates of employee retention.
  • Improve institutional reputation.
  • Enrich the professional experience of staff.
  • Better opportunities for creativity, innovation and problem-solving.

This committee acknowledges current challenges on university campuses, including our own, due to debates on free speech, questions about diversity initiatives, and the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the rise in antisemitism and Islamophobia. We know that staff are impacted. The university has compiled a list of resources for staff seeking further information.

DEIA Initiatives

  • A&S Staff Welcome Back and Resource FairFall 2024 date TBA
  • Creation/revamping of onboarding program for College of Arts & Sciences
  • Identify relevant and effective DEIA trainings for A&S managers and staff
  • Community building events for staff, such as our recent “Guiding Eyes at Cornell” information session
  • Proposed ideas like: share DEIA success stories, A&S International Day, establishment of a DEIA book club, and identify/recognize unit DEIA “Champions”



Filmed live on April 5, 2023, “Can You Hear My Voice? The Impact of Untapped Marginalized Groups in the Talent Management Space” is a day-long conference offering creative, actionable ideas for anyone who makes hiring decisions or who has an interest in creating a more inclusive workforce.

Colleague Network Groups

The Colleague Network Groups (CNGs) are organized identity-based groups that help their constituents build community, share strategies for navigating the university and serve as support networks. The university sponsors Colleague Network Groups as a way for traditionally underrepresented minorities and their allies to find support, both at Cornell and beyond.

Colleague Network Groups

Online Resources and Support

Contact the committee

Your feedback matters! We want to hear from you!

For questions, contact our DEIA Staff Committee directly at: