AP, IB, or A-Level Credits

Schedule an Appointment with Your Advising Dean

Many first-year students have taken AP, IB, A-Level, or French Baccalaureate courses in high school and have completed exams. Some departments advise prospective majors to develop a firm grounding in the subject area and methodology by enrolling in the introductory survey course even if they have credit. Please check the appropriate department websites, and note that if you do decide to take a course that your credit places you out of, you will forfeit that credit. 

Credit and Placement

Please reference the Courses of Study for a comprehensive list of Advanced Placement sources and credit awarded by Cornell University.

The table below summarizes English exam credit and placement that are specific to the College of Arts & Sciences.

ExamSubjectScoreCredit & Placement Information
CEEB'S AP ExamsEnglish Literature and Composition OR
English Language and Composition
53 credits, placement out of one FWS
International Baccalaureate (IB)English Literature A (HL) OR
English Language and Literature A (HL)
73 credits, placement out of one FWS
GCE A-LevelEnglish Literature A*, A3 credits, placement out of one FWS
Cambridge Pre-U ExamEnglish D1, D2, D33 credits, placement out of one FWS

Recording Your Credit

You may enroll in courses at Cornell that assume placement on the basis of AP, IB, A-Level, or French Baccalaureate credit even if we do not yet have those credits recorded.

I sent my exam scores to Cornell via the testing agency. Where can I check to see if they have been recorded?

Any credit earned will be added to your records automatically after we receive your exam scores, but it may take a few weeks. You can check this in your Student Center. Advanced placement credit for incoming first-year students is added to student records over the summer in July and August.