To address the greatest challenges in our world today, we must acquire skills that belie singular modes of understanding. As this era is defined by rapid social, technological and economic changes, the liberal arts model of education and inquiry is perhaps more relevant today than ever before. It is the best long-term training for innovation, entrepreneurship, and civic leadership, and it offers the ingredients for a life well-lived.
"Liberal arts can set you up for a profession, but more importantly it gives you the tools to navigate your own conduct an ethical life."
-- Dagmawi Woubshet, Department of English
In this video, faculty and students discuss the value of a liberal arts education within the College of Arts & Sciences at Cornell.Learn more about the College and explore our fields of study.
Noël Heaney/Cornell University
Héctor D. Abruña, the Émile M. Chamot Professor of Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, gives remarks at the opening ceremony of the Abruña Energy Initiative Fast Battery Charging Facility, located in in the northeast corner of the Fleet Services parking lot.
Katharine Downey/Cornell University
Damon Hollenbeck '25 pitches his business CRIT to a crowd at the 2024 Cornell Entrepreneurship Showcase: Student Pitches and Venture Panel.