R. Zachary Murray: 'Astronomy outreach is a great way to bring abstraction to a more human level'

R. Zachary Murray


Bronx, NY

What is your main extracurricular activity--why is it important to you?

I currently serve as president of the Cornell Astronomical Society. Outreach in general is important for educating and inspiring the next generation of scientists, but even more so for astronomy. By the nature of studying objects millions (or billions) of kilometers away, astronomy can often seem pretty abstract. I think astronomy outreach is a great way to bring that abstraction into a more human level.

What accomplishments/activities are you most proud of while at Cornell?

I'm most proud of the outreach activities I've been a part of. Sharing knowledge of the observatory with the public and helping to contribute to its smooth operation is chief among my Cornell achievements.

What do you value about your liberal arts education?

It formed a good foundation for graduate study and afforded me the breadth to learn a lot of material relating to the formal and natural sciences.

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 Zachary Murray