New Faculty: Abigail Crites

Abigail Crites

Assistant Professor, Physics

Academic focus:
Physics, cosmology, instrumentation 

Current research project: 
I build instruments to study cosmology in the early universe. I am part of three project teams, the Tomographic Ionized Carbon intensity Mapping Experiment (TIME), CCAT-prime on the Fred Young Submillimeter Telescope, and CMB-S4. 

Previous positions:

  • Assistant Professor, Astronomy and astrophysics, University of Toronto, 2020-2021
  • Postdoc, Physics, Caltech, 2013-2019

Academic background:

  • B.S., Physics, Caltech, 2006
  • M.S., Astronomy and astrophysics, University of Chicago, 2010
  • Ph.D., Astronomy and astrophysics, University of Chicago, 2013

Last book read: 
“Essential Radio Astronomy,” James J. Condon and Scott M. Ransom

In your own time/when not working:
Running, hanging out with my cats 

Courses you’re most looking forward to teaching:
PHYS 1110 Introduction to Experimental Physics, PHYS 4410 Advanced Experimental Physics, PHYS 3360 Electronic Circuits, PHYS 2213 Physics II: Electromagnetism

What most excites you about Cornell:
Working with amazing people, from students to other faculty, on building instruments to study exciting physics; beautiful waterfalls; the Dairy Bar

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Abigail Crites