Name and title:
Mikail E. Abbasov, Assistant Professor, Chemistry & Chemical Biology
Academic focus:
Chemical biology, chemical proteomics, activity-based protein profiling, drug discovery, cancer, neurodegeneration, immunology
Current research project:
Our research laboratory aims to advance innovative chemoproteomic technologies to modulate the function of proteins and interrogate signaling pathways associated with cancer and neurodegenerative disorders. Specific focuses include rescuing disease-causing mutant proteins with small molecules, targeting therapeutically vulnerable mutations in genetically defined cancers and identifying the druggable ribonucleoproteome with lysinereactive natural products.
Previous positions:
- Postdoctoral Research Associate and The Hewitt Foundation for Medical Research Fellow, Department of Chemistry, The Scripps Research Institute, 2016-2020
Academic background:
- Ph.D., Organic synthesis, Texas A&M University, 2015
- M.Sc., Optical physics, Killgore Research Center, 2008
- B.Sc., Biochemistry, West Texas A&M University, 2004
Last book read:
“Dragons Love Tacos” by Adam Rubin
In your own time/when not working:
Singing and playing musical instruments, painting and drawing, acting, teaching science and music to my two sons and daughter
Courses you’re most looking forward to teaching:
Advanced Organic Chemistry, Chemical Proteomics in Drug Discovery
What most excites you about Cornell:
Friendly community, vibrant department, outstanding students, brilliant colleagues