Landon Schnabel

Name and title:

Landon Schnabel, Robert and Ann Rosenthal Assistant Professor, Sociology

Academic focus:

I study inequality, how it changes over time and why it persists through social change in the United States and around the world. Most of my research focuses on gender inequality alongside other dimensions of social inequality including sexual orientation, race, ethnicity and class.

Current research project:

I’m writing a book currently titled “Is Faith Feminine? What Americans Really Think about Gender and Religion.” The book considers the ways religions are gender-typed, gendered social psychological opportunities and constraints related to religion, and how religion suppresses gender differences in politics.

Previous positions:

Postdoctoral Fellow, Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society and Department of Sociology, Stanford University, 2019-2020

Academic background:

  • Ph.D., Sociology, Indiana University, 2019
  • M.Div., Andrews University, 2012
  • B.A., Theology, Walla Walla University, 2010

Last book read:

“The New Jim Crow” by Michelle Alexander

In your own time/when not working:

In my free time I enjoy hiking, reading novels, and playing soccer, basketball and board games.

Courses you’re most looking forward to teaching:

Courses on inequality, gender, religion, and/or politics

What most excites you about Cornell:

Many things. The sociology department, the university as a whole, the students, and the beautiful campus and nature setting it's situated in.

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 Landon Schnabel