Gloria Majule: 'In the next 10 years, I see myself writing, directing and possibly acting for stage, screen and television.'

Gloria Majule

Performing and Media Arts & Spanish

Dodoma, Tanzania

What accomplishments/activities are you most proud of while at Cornell?

I have two major accomplishments that I am most proud of at Cornell. The first is my play "Life Sentence," which I wrote my sophomore year summer and was recently produced in the Schwartz Center for the Performing Arts. The play fulfills my goal as a writer, which is to provide opportunities for minorities to be involved in theater (in this case black actors) in roles that aren't based on stereotypes. The second is the fact that I came to Cornell speaking zero Spanish and now it is my second major.

How did any of your beliefs or interests change during your time at Cornell?

I believe in my time at Cornell I have definitely become more open-minded and more outspoken regarding injustices. I no longer shy away and sit in the background thanks to taking four years of theater classes, but I am now more confident to express my voice and fight against injustices (mostly through my art) whether it is towards POC, women, LGBTQ, Muslims or any other minority groups that is marginalized in the current society. I feel like I am more "woke" than I used to be before I came here.

What are your plans for next year; where do you see yourself in 10 years?

In the next 10 years, I see myself writing, directing and possibly acting for stage, screen and television. I also see myself traveling a lot and hopefully speaking at least five languages.

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 Gloria Majule