Ask our ambassadors: Why did you choose Cornell?

I am a senior in the College of Arts and Sciences double majoring in government and French and minoring in inequality studies. I chose Cornell for many reasons —  the most important being how supportive, helpful, curious, unique and friendly everyone l met here was!

I was also drawn in by the beauty of the campus and the strong sense of tradition and history I felt here. I was inspired then and continue to be inspired by the legacy of amazing people l am joining; Toni Morrison, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and so many more powerful and incredible figures walked, studied and sat exactly where I am today. Knowing that I'm surrounded by equally amazing people here and now is a surreal feeling. 

I also chose Cornell because I was so inspired by the population and how dedicated everyone is to their passion. I have felt inspired and highly motivated by the people around me.  I feel like everyone around me is helping to motivate me to become my best version of myself.

I always try to encourage people to find their niche, and I feel like at Cornell I have such a broad variety of courses offered to me that I feel that I was given the equally necessary guidance and freedom to discover so much about myself, my interests and my aspirations (career and otherwise.) The college of Arts and Sciences offers such a wide variety of academic subjects that I feel like everyone is bound to find their passion.

I also just really appreciated how much Cornell had to offer. Cornell has an ever- flowing list of resources here to help you. On top of that we have dedicated faculty, staff and students who are so invested in seeing you succeed.

I chose Cornell because I felt it was a place where I would be able to thrive. I could not be more grateful to Cornell for my time here.

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Valerie Odonkor in jean shorts and a sleeveless shirt under a tree outside Uris Library