Ecology and evolutionary biology (EEB) is the study of the patterns and processes that structure ecological systems and drive evolutionary change. Understanding the interactions between organisms and their environments is both fascinating and critical for solving environmental problems. As ecologists, we study natural populations, communities and ecosystems and the links among them. As evolutionists we elucidate the past history of natural assemblages and how organisms respond to changing environments. And as organismal biologists we seek to understand how plants, animals and microbes function in relation to their environment. We delight in interacting with students; we integrate undergraduate and graduate education, and foster communication between science and society.
The department makes use of field research sites (from lakes to forests and fields to the ocean coast; locally, nationally and around the world), museum collections (we manage the Cornell Museum of Vertebrates), and modern laboratory facilities (we manage the Cornell Isotope Laboratory and the Evolutionary Genomics Core Facility). Undergraduates in EEB have opportunities to participate in laboratory and field-based research across a broad array of ecological and evolutionary projects.
Associated Faculty
- Anurag Agrawal
- Charles F Aquadro
- Leslie Babonis
- William Bemis
- Brian Chabot
- Andrew G. Clark
- Andre Alfons Dhondt
- Abby Grace Drake
- Stephen Paul Ellner
- Paul Feeny
- John Weaver Fitzpatrick
- Alexander S Flecker
- Monica Ann Geber
- Christine L Goodale
- Swanne Gordon
- Harry W. Greene
- Megan Greischar
- Nelson George Hairston
- Catherine Drew Harvell
- Meredith Holgerson
- Benjamin Houlton
- Robert Warren Howarth
- Andre Kessler
- Brian Lazzaro
- Simon Levin
- Gene Likens
- David M. Lodge
- Andrés López-Sepulcre
- Irby J Lovette
- Peter Marks
- Amy R. McCune
- Betty Anne McGuire
- Peter McIntyre
- Claire Meaders
- Andrew Moeller
- Corrie Moreau
- James Morin
- Ian Owens
- Alison G Power
- Robert D. Reed
- Jeremy B Searle
- Michelle Smith
- Jed P. Sparks
- Jennifer S. Thaler
- Maren Vitousek
- David W Winkler
- Molly Womack
- Xiangtao Xu
- Kelly Zamudio