Project Title: Documentary and International Ethics with a focus on Post-Colonialism and Climate Change
Project Description: My project explores the relationship between documentary production and international ethics, with a focus on post-colonialism theories and the issue of climate change. I hope to understand the relationship between the filmmaker/documentarian and the subject matter-landscape and humans- and how the artists present their subjects to the
spectators. I examine the problem through an international lens to address the ethical and environmental issues that are the results of the colonial legacy. Under the broad category of documentary production, I mainly study moving
images but also touch still images and new media to obtain a comprehensive knowledge of the topic.
Most important accomplishments: For the time being, I'll leave this blank so that I always have something to strive for!
Reflections on the College Scholar Program: Within the College Scholar program, I get a chance to explore a topic that breaks traditional academic boundaries. I am grateful to be together with a group of scholars with varying interests while constantly learning new knowledge and ways of thinking.