Shelby Lynn Williams

Shelby Willams

Project Title: Intersectional Examinations of the US Healthcare System

Project Description: How does healthcare access vary across racial and geographic lines in the United
States? Why are Black maternal mortality rates significantly higher than those of their US societal peers? How does historical precedent influence the quality of care that women and racial minorities receive? My project seeks to examine the intersections of race, class, gender, and healthcare, and the role
that US legal institutions play in the perpetuation or amelioration of inequality.

Most Important Accomplishment:
To date, my most important accomplishment is my March 2020 solo vocal performance at Carnegie Hall, and my March 2017 and March 2020 Carnegie performances with my high school choir.

Reflections on the College Scholar Program: Although I’m merely months into my journey as a
College Scholar, I am loving my experience thus far! It is so valuable to be in a space where I can speak freely about intellectual inquiry and my academic passions. I appreciate every meeting that I have with my cohort, and I can’t wait to progress through the rest of the program with them!