Paul Sherman

Professor Emeritus

Research Focus

My group is interested in the social and reproductive behaviors of animals, including humans. Our common perspectives are that (1) natural selection (differential reproduction) is the evolutionary process that leads to adaptation, and that (2) the principal focus of selection is the individual and its genes. Thus, individuals' lifetimes are appropriately viewed as sequences of cost-benefit decisions about how to maximize reproduction. We develop a priori hypotheses about potential fitness advantages and disadvantages of particular behaviors and then to gather data that yield strong inference tests of the alternatives. Such studies typically involve long-term observations of animals in their natural habitat, supplemented both by comparisons among phylogenetically related species differing in relevant aspects of their biology and by laboratory analyses of genetic relatednesses. There is a common focus in my group on conceptual issues but not on any one taxon, and my doctoral students have worked with spiders, social bees and wasps, tree frogs, grass finches, superb starlings, cowbirds, cardinals, water striders, anemone fishes, tinamous, motmots, brush turkeys, bdelloid rotifers, fig wasps, and naked mole-rats, at research sites in Australia, Africa, New Guinea, Mexico, Central and South America, and the United States. My own research, often conducted in collaboration with Dr. Janet Shellman Sherman, focuses on the fragile balance between cooperation and conflict in various mammalian and avian societies and, most recently, on topics in Darwinian medicine.

Courses Taught

Introduction to Behavior; Animal Social Behavior; Darwinian Medicine



7) Sherman, P.W. and J. Alcock (Eds.). Exploring Animal Behavior: Readings From the American Scientist (Sinauer Associates).  First Edition, 1993: Second, 1998; Third, 2001; Fourth, 2005; Fifth, 2010.

6) Wolff, J.O. and P.W. Sherman (Eds.).  2007. Rodent Societies  (University of Chicago Press).

5) Yensen, E. and P.W. Sherman.  2003. Field Guide to the Ground-Dwelling Squirrels of the Pacific Northwest.  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Boise, Idaho.
4)  Sherman, P.W., J.U.M. Jarvis, and R.D. Alexander (Eds.).  1991. The Biology of the Naked Mole-Rat (Princeton).

3)  Jarrow, G. and P.W. Sherman.  2001. Animal Baby Sitters (Franklin Watts).

2)  Jarrow, G. and P.W. Sherman. 1996. The Naked Mole-Rat Mystery (Lerner).

1)  Jarrow, G. and P.W. Sherman.  1996. Naked Mole-Rats (Carolrhoda).

In Press:  
1)  Sherman, P. W. In press.  Behavioral ecology, why do I love thee?  Let me count the ways.  In Social Behavior: Genes, Ecology, and Evolution (T. Szekely, A. Moore, and J. Komdeur, Eds.), Cambridge University Press.


191) Caro, T. and P. W. Sherman 2012. Vanishing behaviors. Conservation Letters 5: 1-8.

190) Young, S.L., Sherman, P.W., Lucks, J.B., and G. Pelto. 2011. Why on earth? Evaluating hypotheses about the physiological functions of human geophagy. Quarterly Review of Biology 86: 97-120.

189) Caro, T. and P.W. Sherman. 2011. Behavioural ecology cannot profit from unstructured environmental change. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 26: 321-322.

188) Caro, T. and P.W. Sherman. 2011. Endangered species and a threatened discipline: behavioural ecology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 26: 111-118.

187) Abbot, P. et al. (P.W. Sherman is among 127 co-authors). 2011. Inclusive fitness theory and eusociality. Nature 471: E1-E4.

186) Wilson, C.G. and P.W. Sherman.  2010. Anciently asexual bdelloid rotifers escape lethal fungal parasites by drying up and blowing away. Science (Cover Story) 327: 574-576.

185) Wasser, D. and P.W. Sherman.  2010. Avian longevities and their interpretation under evolutionary theories of senescence. Journal of Zoology  280: 103-155.

184) Schlaepfer, M.A., P.W. Sherman, and M.A. Runge. 2010.  Decision making, environmental change, and population persistence. Pages 506-515 in Evolutionary Behavioral Ecology (D. F. Westneat and C. W. Fox, Eds.), Oxford University Press, Oxford.

183) Caro, T. and P.W. Sherman.  2009. Rewilding can cause rather than solve ecological problems. Nature (Correspondence) 462: 985.

182) Seeley, T.D. and P.W. Sherman.  2009. Animal Behavior. Encyclopaedia Brittanica OnLine (19 text pages).  Accessible at:

181) Sherman, P.W.  2009.  "Squirrels" (pp. 150-161, with L. Wauters) and "The Role of Kinship" (pp. 162-163) in The New Encyclopedia of Mammals, D.W. Macdonald (Ed.).  Princeton University Press.

180) Sherman, P.W., E. Holland, and J. Shellman Sherman.  2008.  Allergies: Their role in cancer prevention. Quarterly Review of Biology 83: 339-362.

179) Flaxman, S.M. and P.W. Sherman.  2008. Morning sickness: adaptive cause or non-adaptive consequence of embryo viability? American Naturalist  172: 54-62.

178) Sherman, P.W.  2008. Beaver. World Book Encyclopedia, Vol. 2, pp. 192-195.

177) Safran, R. J., V.A.J. Doerr, P.W. Sherman, E.K. Doerr, S.M. Flaxman, and D.W. Winkler.    2007.  Group breeding in vertebrates: linking individual and population-level analyses. Evolutionary Ecology Research 9: 1163-1185.

176) Rubenstein, D.R., P.W. Sherman, D.I. Rubenstein, and T.M. Caro. 2007.  Rewilding  rebuttal [letter]. Scientific American 297(10): 12.

175) Sherman, P. W. 2007. Why we cook with spices: preventative Darwinian Medicine", in Nesse, R. (ed.), Evolution and Medicine: How New Applications Advance Research and Practice, The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection, Henry Stewart Talks Ltd, London (available online at

174) Reeve, H.K. and P.W. Sherman.  2007. Why measuring reproductive success in current       populations is valuable: moving forward by going backward. Pages 86-94 in Evolution of Mind, S.W. Gangestad and J.A. Simpson, Eds. Guilford Publications, NY.

173) Sherman, P.W.  2007. World Book Encyclopedia entries: Chinchilla; Vol. 3, p. 508; Chipmunk; Vol. 3, p. 513; Lemming; Vol. 12, p. 188; Mole; Vol. 13, p. 690b; Porcupine; Vol. 15, p. 677; Weasel; Vol. 21, p. 155; Woodchuck; Vol. 21; p. 39
172) Sherman, P.W. 2006. Teaching through writing. Pages 37-40 in Words of Wisdom: Essays on Teaching by the Weiss Presidential Fellows. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
171)  Rubenstein, D.R., D.I. Rubenstein, P.W. Sherman, and T.A. Gavin.  2006.  Pleistocene Park: Does re-wilding North America represent sound conservation for the 21st century? Biological Conservation 132:232-238.

170) Nielsen, C.R., B. Semel, P.W. Sherman, D.F. Westneat, and P.A. Parker.  2006.  Host-parasite relatedness in wood ducks: patterns of kinship and parasite success. Behavioral Ecology 17:491-496.

169)  Lacey, E.A. and P.W. Sherman.  2005. Redefining eusociality: concepts, goals, and levels of analysis. Annales Zoologici Fennici 42:573-577.
168)  von Dadelszen, P., L.A. Magee, E.L. Taylor, J.C. Muir, S.D. Stewart, P.W. Sherman, and S.K. Lee  2005.  Maternal hypertension and neonatal outcome among small for gestational age infants. Obstetrics and Gynecology 106:335-339.

167) Blanco, M.A. and P.W. Sherman.  2005.  Maximum longevities of chemically protected and non-protected fishes, reptiles, and amphibians support evolutionary hypotheses of aging. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 126:794-803.

166) Neff, B.D. and P.W. Sherman.  2005.  In vitro fertilization reveals offspring recognition via self-referencing in a fish with paternal care and cuckoldry. Ethology 111:425-438.

165) Bloom, G. and P.W. Sherman.  2005.  Dairying barriers and the distribution of lactose malabsorption. Evolution and Human Behavior 26:301-312.

164) Schlaepfer, M.A., P.W. Sherman, B. Blossey, and M.J. Runge 2005.  Introduced species as evolutionary traps. Ecology Letters 8:241-246.

163) Sherman, P.W.  2004.  Levels of analysis in behavior (pages 723-725), Naked mole-rats (pages 775-776), and Morning sickness (pages 916-918) in Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior.  M. Beckoff (Ed.).  Greenwood Press.

162) Koenig, W.D. and P.W. Sherman  2004.  In memoriam: Frank Alois Pitelka. Auk 121:963-965.

161) Sherman, P.W. and M. Bekoff.  2004.  Monkeys, mirrors, mark tests and minds. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 19(8):407-408.

160) Koenig, W.D. and P.W. Sherman.  2004.  In memoriam: Frank Alois Pitelka. ISBE Newsletter 16:4-5.

159) Bekoff, M. and P.W. Sherman.  2004.  Reflections on animal selves. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 19(4):176-180.

158) Harrison, R.G., S.M. Bogdanowicz, R.S. Hoffmann, E. Yensen, and P.W. Sherman.  2003.  Phylogeny and evolutionary history of the ground squirrels (Rodentia: Marmotinae). Journal of Mammalian Evolution 10:249-276.

157) Sherman, P.W. and R.W. Clark.  2003.  Cornell class explores insect behavior at Plantations. Cornell Plantations Notes 80:2-3.

156) Sherman, P.W.  2003.  Teaching behavioral ecology through writing.  Pages 209-221 in Local Knowledges, Local Practices: Writing in the Disciplines at Cornell, J. Monroe (Ed.).  University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh.

155) Sherman, P.W. and B.D. Neff.  2003.  Father knows best (News & Views). Nature 425:136-137.

154) Yensen, E. and P.W. Sherman.  2003.  Ground squirrels (Spermophilus species and Ammospermophilus species).  Pages 211-231 in Wild Mammals of North America, G. Feldhammer, B. Thompson and J. Chapman (Eds.), Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.

153) Neff, B.D. and P.W. Sherman.  2003.  Nestling recognition via direct cues by parental male bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus). Animal Cognition 6:87-92.

152) Hauber, M.E. and P.W. Sherman  2003.  Designing and interpreting tests of self-referent phenotype matching. Animal Cognition 6:69-71.

151) Zacharia, B. and P.W. Sherman.  2003.  Atopy, helminths, and cancer. Medical Hypotheses 60:1-5.

150) Sherman, P.W.  2002.  "Eusociality in mammals" (pages 327-330), "Naked mole-rats" (pages 793-795) and "Spices as antimicrobials" (page 832) in Encyclopedia of Evolution, M. Pagel (Ed.).  Oxford Univ. Press.

149) Sherman, P.W. and M.C. Runge.  2002. Demography of a population collapse: the northern Idaho ground squirrel (Spermophilus brunneus brunneus). Ecology 83:2816-2831.

148) Stankowich, T. and P.W. Sherman  2002.  Pup shoving by adult naked mole-rats. Ethology 108:975-992.

147) Sherman, P.W. and J.U.M. Jarvis.  2002. Extraordinary life spans of naked mole-rats (Heterocephalus glaber).   Journal of Zoology (London) 258:307-311.

146) Jarvis, J.U.M.  and P.W. Sherman. 2002. Heterocephalus glaber  (the naked mole-rat). Mammalian Species 706:1-9.

145) Reeve, H.K. and P.W. Sherman.  2002.  Adaptations: meanings.  Pages 131-136 in Encyclopedia of Life Sciences.  Macmillan-Nature Publishing Group, London.

144) Flaxman, S.M. and P.W. Sherman.  2002.  Is morning sickness maladaptive? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 17:359.

143) Schlaepfer, M.A., M.C. Runge, and P.W. Sherman.  2002. Ecological and evolutionary traps. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 17:474-480.

142) Neff, B.D. and P.W. Sherman.  2002.  Decision making and recognition mechanisms. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 269:1435-1441.

141) Sherman, P.W. and S.M. Flaxman.  2002.  Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy in an evolutionary perspective. Obstetrics and Gynecology 186:S190-S197.

140) Sherman, P.W.  2002.  Why we use spices. Foods and Food Ingredients Journal of Japan 198:56-69 (plus Japanese translation, pp. 70-82).

139) Sherman, P.W.  2002.  Reproductive immunosuppression and diet: Commentary. Current Anthropology 43:45-46.

138) Jarrow, G. and P.W. Sherman.  2002. Secret in the burrow. Spider 2002:23-32.

137) Sherman, P.W.  2001.  Wood ducks:  A model system for investigating conspecific parasitism in cavity-nesting birds. Pages 311-337 in Model Systems in Behavioral Ecology, L.A. Dugatkin (Ed.) Princeton University Press.

136) Sherman, P.W.  2001.  "Squirrels" (pp. 598-609, with L. Wauters) and "The Role of Kinship" (pp. 610-611) in Encyclopedia of Mammals, D.W. Macdonald (Ed.). Andromeda, U.K.

135) Hauber, M.E. and P.W. Sherman.  2001.  Self-referent phenotype matching: theoretical considerations and empirical evidence. Trends in Neuroscience 24:607-614.

134) Hasselquist, D. and P.W. Sherman.  2001.  Social mating systems and extrapair fertilizations in passerine birds. Behavioral Ecology 12:457-466.

133) Sherman, P.W. and G.A. Hash.  2001.  Why vegetable recipes are not very spicy. Evolution and Human Behavior 22:147-163.

132) Hauber, M.E., S.A. Russo, and P.W. Sherman  2001.  A password for species recognition in a brood-parasitic bird. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 268:1041-1048.

131) Semel, B. and P.W. Sherman.  2001.  Intraspecific parasitism and nest-site competition in wood ducks. Animal Behaviour 61:787-803.

130) Sherman, P.W. and S.M. Flaxman.  2001.  Protecting ourselves from food. American Scientist 89:142-151.

129) Reeve, H.K. and P.W. Sherman.  2001.  Optimality and phylogeny: a critique of current thought.  Pages 64-113 in Adaptationism and Optimality, S. Orzack and E. Sober (Eds.). Oxford University Press, Oxford.

128) Hauber, M.E. and P.W. Sherman.  2001.  Self-referencing in hamsters. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 16:75.

127) Sherman, P.W.  2001.  [A review of] Life Underground: The Biology of Subterranean Rodents, edited by E.A. Lacey, J.L. Patton, and G.N. Cameron (2000, Chicago). Ecology 82:1200-1201.

126) Jarrow, G. and P.W. Sherman  2001.  Are animals inventors? Highlights for Children 56:20-21. [Reprinted in C. Alexander, Ed., Reading and Writing Excellence: Keys to Standards-Based Assessments (Steck-Vaughan Berrent), 2002.]

125) Flaxman, S.M. and P.W. Sherman  2000.  Morning sickness: A mechanism for protecting mother and embryo. Quarterly Review of Biology 75:1-36.

124) Hauber, M.E., P.W. Sherman and D. Paprika.  2000.  The armpit effect in a brood parasite: Self-referent phenotype matching in brown-headed cowbirds. Animal Cognition 3:113-117.

123) Hauber, M.E. and P.W. Sherman  2000.  The armpit effect in hamster kin recognition. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 15:349-350.

122) Jarrow, G. and P.W. Sherman  2000.  The world's ugliest animal. Boy's Quest 6:6-7.

121) Jarrow, G. and P.W. Sherman  2000. What's so hot about spices? Highlights for Children 55:12-13. [Reprinted in S. Lutton, Ed., Reading and Writing Excellence: Keys to Standards-Based Assessments (Steck-Vaughan Berrent), 2002.]

120) Sherman, P.W.  2000.  [A review of] African Mole-Rats: Ecology and Eusociality, by N.C. Bennett and C.G. Faulkes (2000, Cambridge). Quarterly Review of Biology 75:471.

119) Yensen, E. and P.W. Sherman.  Idaho ground squirrel, Spermophilus brunneus.  1999. Pages 414-415 in Smithsonian Book of North American Mammals, D.E. Wilson and S. Ruff (Eds.).  Smithsonian Institution Press.

118) Sherman, P.W.  1999.  Birds of a feather lek together. (News and Views). Nature 401:119-120.

117) Sherman, P.W. and J. Billing  1999.  Darwinian gastronomy: Why we use spices. BioScience 49:453-463.

116) Gavin, T.A., P.W. Sherman, E. Yensen and B. May  1999. Population genetic structure in northern Idaho ground squirrels (Spermophilus brunneus brunneus), a rare mammal endemic to Idaho. Journal of Mammalogy 80:156-168.

115) Sherman, P.W., S. Braude, and J.U.M. Jarvis  1999. Litter sizes and mammary numbers of naked mole-rats: breaking the one-half rule. Journal of Mammalogy 80:720-733.

114) Hasselquist, D., J.A. Marsh, P.W. Sherman and J.C. Wingfield 1999.  Is avian immunocompetence suppressed by testosterone? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 45:167-175.

113) Sherman, P.W. and H.K. Reeve  1999.  Sexual selection and sensory exploitation  (Technical comment). Science 283:1083-1084.

112) Jarrow, G. and P.W. Sherman  1999.  Danger in the meadow. Highlights for Children 54:36-37.

111) Sherman, P.W.  1999.  [A review of] Spice Science and Technology by K. Hirasa and M. Takemasa (1998, Marcel Dekker). Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 23:84-86.

110) Billing, J. and P.W. Sherman  1998.  Antimicrobial functions of spice use: Why some like it hot. Quarterly Review of Biology  73:3-49.

109) Eadie, J.M., P.W. Sherman, and B. Semel.  1998.  Conspecific brood parasitism, population dynamics, and the conservation of cavity-nesting birds. Pages 306-340 in Behavioral Ecology and Conservation Biology, T.M. Caro (Ed.).  Oxford: Oxford University Press, 582 pp.

108) Sherman, P.W., T.D. Seeley, and H.K. Reeve  1998. Parasites, pathogens, and polyandry in honey bees. American Naturalist. 151:392-396.

107) Shuster, G. and P.W. Sherman  1998.  Tool use by naked mole-rats. Animal Cognition 1:71-74.

106) Hauber, M.E. and P.W. Sherman  1998.  Nepotism and marmot alarm calling. Animal Behaviour 56:1049-1052.

105) Sherman, P.W.  1998.  The evolution of menopause (News and Views). Nature 392:759-761.

104) Sherman, P.W.  1998.  ISBE 98:  7 was a lucky number. International Society for Behavioral Ecology Newsletter 10(2):12-14.

103) Westneat, D.F. and P.W. Sherman  1997.  Density and extra-pair fertilizations in birds: a comparative analysis.   Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 41:205-215.

102) Sherman, P.W. and H.K. Reeve  1997.  Forward and backward: Alternative approaches to studying human social evolution. Pages 147-158 in Human Nature: A Critical Reader, L. Betzig (Ed.).  Oxford University Press, Oxford.

101) Lacey, E.A. and P.W. Sherman  1997.  Cooperative breeding in naked mole-rats: implications for vertebrate and invertebrate sociality.  Pages 267-301 in Cooperative Breeding in Mammals.  N.G. Solomon and J.A. French (Eds.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

100) Sherman, P.W., H.K. Reeve, and D.W. Pfennig  1997. Recognition systems.  Pages 69-96 in Behavioural Ecology, Fourth Edition, J.R. Krebs and N.B. Davies (Eds.).  Oxford: Blackwell Scientific.

99) Yensen, E. and P.W. Sherman 1997. Spermophilus brunneus (the Idaho ground squirrel). Mammalian Species 560:1-5.

98) May, B., T.A. Gavin, P.W. Sherman, and T.M. Korves  1997.  Characterization of microsatellite loci in the northern Idaho ground squirrel, Spermophilus brunneus brunneus. Molecular Ecology 6:399-400.

97) Sherman, P.W. and T.A. Gavin  1997.  End looms for Idaho native.  Guest Opinion, Idaho Press Tribune, Nampa, ID.  9 May, 1997, p. 11.

96) Gavin, T.A. and P.W. Sherman  1997. Proposition 80. Journal of Forestry 95(8):48.

95) Yensen, E., C.R. Baird, and P.W. Sherman 1996.  Larger ectoparasites of the Idaho ground squirrel, Spermophilus brunneus. Great Basin Naturalist 56:237-246.

94) Judd, T.M. and P.W. Sherman  1996.  Naked mole-rats direct colony mates to food sources. Animal Behaviour 52:957-969.

93) Reeve, H.K., P.W. Sherman and L. Keller 1996.  The eusociality continuum revisited (Letter). Trends in Ecology and Evolution 11:472.

92) Jarrow, G. and P.W. Sherman  1996.  All in the family: how some animals recognize their relatives. Highlights for Children 51(10):12-13.

91) Sherman, P.W., E.A. Lacey, H.K. Reeve, and L. Keller  1995.  The eusociality continuum. Behavioral Ecology 6:102-108.

90) Schieffelin, J.S. and P.W. Sherman  1995. Tugging contests reveal feeding hierarchies in naked mole-rat colonies. Animal Behaviour 49:537-541.

89) Pfennig, D.W. and P.W. Sherman  1995. Kin recognition. Scientific American 272:98-103.

88) Semel, B. and P. W. Sherman  1995. Alternative placement strategies for wood duck nest boxes. Wildlife Society Bulletin 23:463-471.

87) Gavin, T.A. and P.W. Sherman  1995. Proposition 80. Conservation Biology 9(6):1-2.

86) Sherman, P.W. and L.L. Wolfenbarger  1995. Genetic correlations as tests for sensory exploitation? (Letter) Trends in Ecology and Evolution 10:246-247.

85) Sherman, P.W. and L.L. Wolfenbarger  1995. Sensory biases and the evolution of sensory systems: A reply. (Letter) Trends in Ecology and Evolution 10:489.

84) Sherman, P.W.  1995.  Wood duck nest box placement: Results of the 1994 density x visibility experiment at Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Region 5 Biological Newsletter 5:4-7.

83) Pfennig, D.W., P.W. Sherman, and J.P. Collins 1994.  Kinship and cannibalism in polyphenic salamanders. Behavioral Ecology 5:225-232.

82) Jarvis, J.U.M., O'Riain, M.J., Bennett, N.C., and P.W. Sherman  1994.  Mammalian eusociality: a family affair. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 9:47-51 (cover story).

81) Alcock, J. and P.W. Sherman  1994.  The utility of the proximate-ultimate dichotomy in ethology. Ethology 96:58-62.

80) Davis-Walton, J. and P.W. Sherman  1994. Sleep arrhythmia in the eusocial naked mole-rat. Naturwissenschaften 81:272-275.

79) Sherman, P.W.  1994.  [A review of] The Natural History of Inbreeding and Outbreeding, edited by N.W. Thornhill. Animal Behaviour 48:495-497.

78) Sherman, P.W. and J. Shellman-Reeve  1994. Ant sex ratios (Letter). Nature 370:257.

77) Reeve, H.K. and P.W. Sherman.  1993. Adaptation and the goals of evolutionary research. Quarterly Review of Biology 68: 1-32. (Excerpted in: Evolution: An Oxford Reader, pp. 120-121.  Mark Ridley, Ed., Oxford University Press, 1997)

76) Pfennig, D.W., H.K. Reeve, and P.W. Sherman 1993.  Kin recognition and cannibalism in spadefoot toad tadpoles. Animal Behaviour 46: 87-94.

75) Sherman, P.W. and R.M. Zammuto  1993. Time-specific and cohort life tables for Belding's ground squirrels. Ecology 74: 2168-2169.

74) Westneat, D.F. and P.W. Sherman.  1993.  Parentage and the evolution of parental behavior. Behavioral Ecology 4: 66-77.

73) Semel, B. and P.W. Sherman  1993. Answering basic questions to address management needs: Case studies of Wood Duck nest box programs. Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 58: 537-550.

72) Semel, B. and P.W. Sherman.  1992.  The use of clutch size to infer brood parasitism in wood ducks. Journal of Wildlife Management 56:495-499.

71) Sherman, P.W., J.U.M. Jarvis, and S.H. Braude. 1992.  Naked mole-rats. Scientific American 267: 72-78.

70) Sherman, P.W. and B. Semel.  1992. Killing them with kindness. Living Bird 11:26-31.

69) Sherman, P.W.  1992.  Naked mole-rat. World Book Encyclopedia 13:691.

68) Sherman, P.W.  1992.  Laughing Hyenas? (Letter), Pacific Discovery 45:55.

67) Pfennig, D.W. and P.W. Sherman  1992. [A review of] Kin Recognition,  P.G. Hepper, (Ed.) Science 255:217-218.

66) Westneat, D.F. and P.W. Sherman  1992. [A review of] Sperm Competition in Birds: Evolutionary Causes and Consequences, by T.R. Birkhead and A.P. Møller. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 7: 423-424.

65) Sherman, P.W.  1992.  Letter to the editor. Wood Duck Newsgram 7:2.

64) Honeycutt, R.L., K. Nelson, D.A. Schlitter, and P.W. Sherman  1991.  Genetic variation within and among populations of the naked mole-rat: evidence from nuclear and mitochondrial genomes.  pp. 195-208 in The Biology of the Naked Mole-Rat (eds. P.W. Sherman, J.U.M. Jarvis, and R.D. Alexander).  Princeton University Press, Princeton.

63) Lacey, E.A., R.D. Alexander, S.H. Braude, P.W. Sherman and J.U.M. Jarvis  1991.  An ethogram for the naked mole-rat: non-vocal behaviors. ibid., pp. 209-242.

62) Pepper, J.W., S.H. Braude, E.A. Lacey, and P.W. Sherman  1991.  Vocalizations of the naked mole-rat. ibid., pp. 243-274.

61) Lacey, E.A. and P.W. Sherman  1991. Social organization of naked mole-rat colonies: evidence for divisions of labor. ibid., pp. 275-336.

60) Reeve, H.K. and P.W. Sherman  1991. Intra-colonial aggression and nepotism by the breeding female naked mole-rat. ibid., pp. 337-357.

59) Emlen, S.T., H.K. Reeve, P.W. Sherman, P.H. Wrege, F.L.W. Ratnieks, and J. Shellman-Reeve  1991.  Selected versus unselected hypotheses for helping behavior. American Naturalist 138:259-270.

58) Semel, B. and P.W. Sherman  1991. Ovarian follicles do not reveal the laying history of post-incubation female wood ducks. Wilson Bulletin 103:703-705.

57) Sherman, P.W.  1991.  Multiple mating and kin recognition by self-inspection. Ethology and Sociobiology 12: 377-386.

56) Sherman, P.W. and E. Shannahan (co-designers) 1991.  Mole-rats at work and play (a maze for children). National Geographic World  189: 18-19.

55) Westneat, D.F., P.W. Sherman, and M.L. Morton 1990.  The ecology and evolution of extra-pair copulations in birds. Current Ornithology 7:331-370.

54) Semel, B., P.W. Sherman, and S.M. Byers. 1990.  Nest boxes and brood parasitism in wood ducks: A management dilemma.  In Proc. 1988 North American Wood Duck Symposium.   L.H. Fredrickson, G.V. Burger, S.P. Havera, D.A. Graber, R.E. Kirby, and T.S. Taylor, Eds., pp. 163-170.

53) Reeve, H.K., D.F. Westneat, W.A. Noon, P.W. Sherman, and C.F. Aquadro.  1990.  DNA "fingerprinting" reveals high levels of inbreeding in the eusocial naked mole-rat. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 87:2496-2500.

52) Westneat, D.F. and P.W. Sherman.  1990. When monogamy isn't. Living Bird Quarterly 9:24-28.

51) Sherman, P.W.  1990.  [A review of] Marmots: Social Behavior, by D.P. Barash. Quarterly Review of Biology 65:384-385.

50) Sherman, P.W.  1989.  Mate guarding as paternity insurance in Idaho ground squirrels. Nature 338:418-420.

49) Sherman, P.W. 1989. The clitoris debate and the levels of analysis. Animal Behaviour 37:697-698.

48) Holekamp, K.E. and P.W. Sherman  1989. Why male ground squirrels disperse. American Scientist 77:232-239.  (Reprinted in: Exploring Animal Behavior, P.W. Sherman and J. Alcock (Eds.), Editions 1993, 1998, 2001, Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA) (Reprinted in: Exploring Ecology and its Applications, 1st Edition.  P.M. Kareiva, Ed., Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA, 1998.) (Reprinted: Insights 2, D. Brinton et al., Addison Wesley, NY, 1998.)

47) Sherman, P.W. and B. Semel  1989. Behavioral ecology and the management of a natural resource. New York's Food and Life Sciences Quarterly 19:23-26.

46) Waldman, B., P.C. Frumhoff, and P.W. Sherman 1988.  Problems of kin recognition. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 3:8-13.

45) Sherman, P.W., T.D. Seeley, and H.K. Reeve 1988.  Parasites, pathogens, and polyandry in social Hymenoptera. American Naturalist 131:602-610.

44) Sherman, P.W.  The levels of analysis. 1988. Animal Behaviour 36:616-619.

43) Sherman, P.W. and M.L. Morton  1988. Extra-pair fertilizations in mountain white-crowned sparrows. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 22:413-420.

42) Semel, B., P.W. Sherman, and S.M. Byers 1988.  Effects of brood parasitism and nest box placement on wood duck breeding ecology. Condor 90:920-930.

41) Sherman, P.W. and D.F. Westneat  1988. Multiple mating and quantitative genetics. Animal Behaviour 36:1545-1547.

40) Sherman, P.W. and D.W. Winkler.  1988. [A review of] Ecological Aspects of Social Evolution. Birds and Mammals, edited by D.I. Rubenstein and R.W. Wrangham. American Scientist 76:511-512.

39) Zammuto, R.M. and P.W. Sherman  1986.  A comparison of time-specific and cohort-specific life tables for Belding's ground squirrels. Canadian Journal of Zoology 64:602-605.

38) Semel, B. and P.W. Sherman  1986. Dynamics of brood parasitism in wood ducks. Auk 103:813-816.

37) Sherman, P.W. and W.G. Holmes  1985. Kin recognition: Issues and evidence. Fortschritte der Zoologie 31:437-460. (Simultaneously published in: Experimental Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.  B. Hölldobler and M. Lindauer, Eds., Sinauer Associates, Mass., pp. 437-460.)

36) Sherman, P.W., M.L. Morton, L.M. Hoopes, J. Bochantin, and J.M. Watt  1985.  The use of tail collagen strength to estimate age in Belding's ground squirrels. Journal of Wildlife Management 49:874-879.

35) Sherman, P.W.  1985.  Alarm calls of Belding's ground squirrels to aerial predators: Nepotism or self-preservation? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 17:313-323.

34) Leger, D.W., S.D. Berney-Key, and P.W. Sherman 1984.  Vocalizations of Belding's ground squirrels (Spermophilus beldingi). Animal Behaviour 32:753-764.

33) Sherman, P.W. and M.L. Morton  1984. Demography of Belding's ground squirrels. Ecology 65:1617-1628.

32) Sherman, P.W.  1984.  The role of kinship: The annual round of the Belding's ground squirrel. In The Encyclopedia of Mammals. D.W. Macdonald, Ed., Equinox Ltd., Oxford, pp. 624-625.

31) Sherman, P.W.  1984.  [A review of] Behavioural Ecology: An Evolutionary Approach, 2nd Ed., edited by J.R. Krebs and N.B. Davies. Science 226:161-162.

30) Holmes, W.G. and P.W. Sherman   1983. Kin recognition in animals. American Scientist 71:46-55. (Reprinted in: Psychobiology. Leading Papers on Ethology from Darwin to the Present.  K.R. Scherer, A. Stahnke, P. Winkler, K. Immelmann, and C. Vogel, Eds., Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, Munich, pp. 403-413, 1987).

29) Lacy, R.C. and P.W. Sherman  1983.  Kin recognition by phenotype matching. American Naturalist 121:489-512.

28) Sherman, P.W.  1983.  [A review of] Red Deer: Behavior and Ecology of Two Sexes, by T.H. Clutton-Brock, F.E. Guinness, and S.D. Albon. American Scientist 71:301-302.

27) Sherman, P.W.  1982.  Infanticide in ground squirrels. Animal Behaviour 30:938-939.

26) Holmes, W.G. and P.W. Sherman  1982. The ontogeny of kin recognition in two species of ground squirrels. American Zoologist 22:491-517.

25) Hanken, J. and P.W. Sherman  1981. Multiple paternity in Belding's ground squirrel litters. Science (Cover Story) 212:351-353.

24) Sherman, P.W.  1981.  Reproductive competition and infanticide in Belding's ground squirrels and other animals.  In Natural Selection and Social Behavior: Recent Research and New Theory.  R.D. Alexander and D.W. Tinkle, Eds., Chiron Press, NY, pp. 311-331.

23) Sherman, P.W.  1981.  Kinship, demography, and Belding's ground squirrel nepotism. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 8:251-259.

22) Sherman, P.W.  1981.  Electrophoresis and avian genealogical analyses. Auk 98:419-422.

21) Sherman, P.W.  1980.  The limits of ground squirrel nepotism.  In Sociobiology: Beyond Nature/Nurture?  G.W. Barlow and J. Silverberg, Eds., Westview Press, Boulder, CO, AAAS Selected Symposium 35:505-544.

20) Oster, G.F., J.W. Bradbury, B. Charlesworth, E. Curio, M.W. Feldman, P. Hammerstein, G. Hausfater, R. Heller, C.J. Lumsden, R.M. May, J. Maynard Smith, P.W. Sherman, and W. Wickler 1980.  Methodology and sociobiology modeling group report. In Evolution of Social Behavior: Hypotheses and Empirical Tests.  H. Markl, Ed., Dahlem Konferenzen, Verlag Chemie, Weinheim, pp. 165-180.

19) Sherman, P.W.  1980.  The meaning of nepotism. American Naturalist 116:604-606.

18) Kaplan, R.H. and P.W. Sherman  1980. Intraspecific oophagy in California newts. Journal of Herpetology 14:183-185.

17) Sherman, P.W. and C. Kagarise Sherman. 1980.  [A review of] Beast and Man: The Roots of Human Nature, by M. Midgley. BioScience 30:351.

16) Sherman, P.W.  1980.  [A review of] Analysis of Ecological Systems, edited by D.J. Horn, R.D. Mitchell, and G.R. Stairs. American Scientist 68:570.

15) Sherman, P.W.  1979.  Insect chromosome numbers and eusociality. American Naturalist 113:925-935.

14) Alexander, R.D., J.L. Hoogland, R.D. Howard, K.M. Noonan, and P.W. Sherman  1979.  Sexual dimorphisms and breeding systems in pinnipeds, ungulates, primates, and humans. In Evolutionary Biology and Human Social Behavior: An Anthropological Perspective.  N.A. Chagnon and W.G. Irons, Eds., Duxbury Press, North Scituate, MA, pp. 402-435.

13) Sherman, P.W. and M.L. Morton  1979. Four months of the ground squirrel. Natural History 88:50-57. (Reprinted in: The Natural History Reader in Animal Behavior.  H. Topoff, Ed. Columbia University Press, pp. 129-137, 1987).

12) Mulder, B.S., B.B. Schultz, and P.W. Sherman 1978.  Predation on vertebrates by Clark's nutcrackers. Condor 80:449-451.

11) Morton, M.L. and P.W. Sherman  1978. Effects of a spring snowstorm on behavior, reproduction, and survival of Belding's ground squirrels. Canadian Journal of Zoology 56:2578-2590.

10) Sherman, P.W.  1978.  Why are people? [A comparative review of] The Selfish Gene by R. Dawkins and The Use and Abuse of Biology, by M. Sahlins. Human Biology 50:87-95.

9) Sherman, P.W.  1978.  [A comparative review of] Among the Elephants by I. and O. Douglas-Hamilton and Elephants and Their Habitats, by R.M. Laws, I.S.C. Parker, and R.C.B. Johnstone. Journal of Mammalogy 59:452-454.

8) Sherman, P.W.  1978.  [A comparative review of] The Langurs of Abu by S.B. Hrdy and Kin Selection in the Japanese Monkey, by J.A. Kurland. Quarterly Review of Biology 53:491-493.

7) Sherman, P.W.  1977.  Nepotism and the evolution of alarm calls. Science 197:1246-1253. (Reprinted in: Evolution Now: A Century After Darwin. J. Maynard-Smith, Ed., Nature Publications, London, pp. 186-203, 1982).

6) Alexander, R.D. and P.W. Sherman  1977.  Local mate competition and parental investment in social insects. Science 196:494-500. (Reprinted in: Selected Readings in Sociobiology. J.H. Hunt, Ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, pp. 228-242, 1980).

5) Sherman, P.W.  1976.  Natural selection among some group-living organisms.  Ph.D. Thesis, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, xvi + 254 p.

4) Hoogland, J.L. and P.W. Sherman  1976.  Advantages and disadvantages of bank swallow (Riparia riparia) coloniality. Ecological Monographs 46:33-58.

3) Cronin, E.W., Jr. and P.W. Sherman  1976.  A resource-based mating system: The orange-rumped honeyguide. Living Bird 15:5-32 (published in June, 1977).

2) Sherman, P.W. and R.D. Alexander  1975.  Insect control. (Letter), Science 188:206-207.

1) Sherman, P.W. and W.B. Watt  1973.  The thermal ecology of some Colias butterfly larvae. Journal of Comparative Physiology 83:25-40.

Bartholomew, G.A. and P.W. Sherman  1979. Reproductive and Social Behavior of Belding's Ground Squirrels. An eighteen minute long, color/sound film (16mm), produced by the UCLA Extension Media Service.  The film is currently distributed by the University of California Extension Media Center, Berkeley.

Yensen, E. and P.W. Sherman  1995. Designed, obtained specimens, and wrote captions for public education diorama illustrating the biology of the endangered Idaho ground squirrel (Spermophilus b. brunneus) and comparing it with the ubiquitous Columbian ground squirrel (S. c. columbianus). A permanent, traveling display based in the Council District Office of the Payette National Forest, Council, Adams County, Idaho.