Norman Uphoff

Professor Emeritus


My CV can be found here.


  • Strengthening Rural Local Institution Capabilities for Sustainable Livelihoods and Equitable Development, with Louise Buck. Paper for Social Development Department, World Bank, 2006.           
  •  A remarkable civil society contribution to food and nutrition security in Madagascar and beyond, with Glenn Lines, in: Food and Nutritional Security in the Process of Globalization and Urbanization, eds.Uwe Kracht and Manfred Schulz, Lit-Publisher, Münster, Germany, 2005 (also SRI).               
  • Analytical issues in measuring empowerment at the community and local levels, in: Measuring Empowerment: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives, ed. Deepa Narayan, World Bank, 2005.           
  •  Social capital and irrigation management: Bringing rigor and evidence to the relationship, in: Asian Irrigation in Transition: Responding to Challenges, eds. G. Shivakoti, D. Vermillion, W.- F. Lam, E. Ostrom, U. Pradhan, R.Yoder, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2005 (also Irrigation Management).    
  •  Civil society and public sector institutions: More than a zero-sum relationship, with Anirudh Krishna, Public Administration and Development, 24:1, 2004.         
  • Making social capital more than a descriptive term to support initiatives for poverty reduction, in: Social Capital and Poverty Reduction in Latin America and the Caribbean: Towards a New Paradigm, eds. Raúl Atria, Marcello Siles, Irma Arriagada, Lindon J. Robison and Scott Whiteford, U.N. Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, Santiago, Chile, 2004;
  • El capital social y su capacidad de reducción de la probreza, in: Capital Social y Reducción de la Probreza en América Latina y el Caribe: En busca de un nuevo paradigma, eds. R. Atria and M. Siles, Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Cribe, and Universidad del Estado de Michigan, Santiago, Chile, 2003.             
  • Mapping and measuring social capital through assessment of collective action to conserve and develop watersheds in Rajasthan, India, with Anirudh Krishna, in: Social Capital: Empirical Explorations, eds. Christian Grootaert and Thierry van Bastelaer, Cambridge University Press, 2002.         
  •  An opportunity to enhance both food and water security with the System of Rice Intensification (SRI), in: Food and Water Security, ed. U. Aswathanarayana, Taylor and Francis, 2007, forthcoming.               
  • Effects of repeated soil wetting and drying on lowland rice yield with System of Rice Intensification (SRI) methods, with Mustapha Ceesay, William S. Reid and Erick C. M. Fernandes, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 4:l, 2006.            
  • The System of Rice Intensification and its implications for agriculture. LEISA: Magazine for Low External Input Sustainable Agriculture, 22:4, 2006 

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