Michelle Crow

Senior Lecturer, Director, English Language Support Office


Michelle Crow (formerly, Cox) earned her PhD in Composition-Rhetoric with a specialty in ESL writing at the University of New Hampshire in 2006. At Cornell University’s Knight Institute for Writing in the Disciplines, she founded and directs the English Language Support Office, which provides writing and speaking support for multilingual graduate and professional students and postdocs across Cornell’s ten colleges and units. She formerly launched and led a Writing across the Curriculum program at Bridgewater State University, MA, where she was Associate Professor of English. 

With Nigel Caplan, she founded the Consortium on Graduate Communication and served as the first Chair. She has also been active in professionalizing the field of WAC, leading the effort to develop the INWAC Statement of WAC Principles and Practices, working with Jeff Galin, Anne Ellen Geller, and Dan Melzer to establish the CCCC WAC Standing Group, and working with Jeff Galin and Dan Melzer to organize what would become the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum, to which she was elected inaugural Chair. 

Her scholarship focuses on WAC program leadership, graduate communication support, and writing pedagogy, particularly as related to first-year composition, multilingual writing, and graduate writing. Her publications include Sustainable WAC (NCTE, 2018), Supporting Graduate Writers: Research Curriculum, and Program Design (University of Michigan Press, 2016), WAC and Second Language Writers (WAC Clearinghouse and Parlor Press, 2014). Her scholarship has been published widely in edited collections and journals, including Across the Disciplines, The WAC Journal, Composition Studies, and English Journal. 

Her achievements have been recognized by a Presidential Award for Excellence in Collaboration to Improve Teaching (2010, BSU), Presidential Award for Distinguished Teaching (2012, BSU), Distinguished Fellow of the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum (2021, AWAC), and Best WAC Monograph Award (2021, WAC Clearinghouse).