Margarita Suñer

Professor Emerita


  • Suñer, M and L. D. King (2007). Gramática española: An álisis lingüístico y práctica. McGraw-Hill. 3rd edition (revised).
  • Suñer, M. (2006). Left Dislocations with and without Epithets. Probus 18.1:127-157.
  • Suñer, M. (2003). Aafke Hulk and Jean-Yves Pollock (eds.), Subject inversion in Romance and the theory of Universal Grammar (Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax). New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. Journal of Linguistics 39: 209-213 (Review).
  • Suñer, M. (2003). The Lexical Preverbal Subject in a Romance Null Subject Language: Where Art Thou?, A Romance Perspective in Language Knowledge and Use: Selected Papers from the 31st Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), Chicago, 19-22 April 2001, eds. Rafael Nuñez-Cedeño, Luis López, and Richard Cameron. John Benjamins, 2003: 341-357.
  • Suñer, M. (2001). The Puzzle of Restrictive Relative Clauses with Conjoined DP Antecedents. In J. Herschensohn, E. Mallén and K. Zagona (eds.), Features and Interfaces in Spanish and French: Essays in Honor of Heles Contreras. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 267-278.
  • Suñer, M. (2000). Some Thoughts on "que": Description, Theory, and L2. Hispania 83: 867-876.
  • Suñer, M. (2000). The Syntax of Direct Quotes with Special Reference to Spanish and English.Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 18: 525-578. Suñer, M. (2000). Object-shift: Comparing a Romance Language to Germanic. Probus 12: 261-289.
  • Suñer, M. (1998). Resumptive restrictive relative clauses: A crosslinguistic perspective. Language, 74, 335-364.
  • Suñer, M. (1995). Negative elements, island effects and resumptive 'no.' The Linguistic Review, 12, 233-273.
  • Suñer, M. (1994). Verb movement and the licensing of argumental wh-phrases in Spanish. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 12, 335-372.
  • Suñer, M. (1993). About indirect questions and semi-questions. Linguistics and Philosophy, 16, 45-77.
  • Suñer, M. (1992). Subject clitics in the Northern Italian vernaculars and the matching hypothesis.Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 10, 641-672.
  • Suñer, M. (1988). The role of agreement in clitic-doubled constructions. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 6, 391-434.