Landon Schnabel

Associate Professor


I study inequality, how it changes over time, and why it persists through social change in the United States and around the world. Most of my research focuses on gender inequality alongside other dimensions of social inequality including sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, and class.

Unequal social relations and structures can be maintained through force or ideological legitimation. I focus on legitimation. More precisely, I examine factors such as religion that ostensibly compensate for inequality—by providing social, psychological, and/or material benefits to subordinated groups—but can paradoxically end up legitimating and reinforcing it.

Although legitimation is my focus, I take a broad view of the study of inequality and social change, examining various factors that limit or facilitate opportunity, well-being, and intergroup relations.

For more information about my research and publications, please see my personal website.


  • Inequality
  • Gender
  • Sexualities
  • Religion
  • Public Opinion
  • Social Change


  • View publications here

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