Kevin Clinton

Professor Emeritus

Research Focus

Greek Religion (Sanctuaries, Mystery Cults), Greek Epigraphy


Myth and Cult: the Iconography of the Eleusinian Mysteries (Acta Instituti Regni Sueciae, Series in octavo, Stockholm, 1992): the publication of the 1990 M. P.Nilsson Lectures.

Eleusis. The Inscriptions on Stone. Documents of the Sanctuary of the Two Goddesses and the Public  Documents of the Deme, Archaeological Society at Athens, Part IA (Texts), I B (Plates), 2005, Volume II, Commentary, 2008.


“The Epidauria and the Arrival of Asclepius in Athens,” in Acta, International Symposium of the Swedish Institute in Athens (Uppsala, 1995) 17-34.

“The Eleusinian Mysteries and Panhellenism in Democratic Athens,” in The Archaeology of Athens and Attica under the Democracy (Oxford, 1994) 161-172.

“Ploutos,” article for Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae (Basel, 1995).

Review Article: “A New Lex Sacra from Selinus: Kindly Zeuses, Eumenides, Impure and Pure  Tritopatores, and Elasteroi,” Classical Philology 91 (1996) 159-179.

Review article: Carol L. Lawton, Attic Document Reliefs: Art and Politics in Ancient Athens, Oxford, 1995. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 7 (1996) 743-751.

“Kalamites,” article for Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae (Basel, 1997).

“The Thesmophorion in Central Athens and the Celebration of the Thesmophoria in Attica,” in The Role of Religion in the Early Greek Polis (Stockholm, 1997) 111-125.

“Eleusis and the Romans: Late Republic to Marcus Aurelius,” in The Romanization of Athens, Proceedings of an International Conference held at Lincoln, Nebraska (April, 1996), S. Rotroff & M. Hoff, eds. (Oxford, 1997) 161-181.

“Eleusis from Augustus to the Antonines: Progress and Problems,” in Acta, XI Congresso Internazionale di Epigrafia Greca e Latina, 18-24 Settembre 1997 (Rome, 2000) 93-102.

“Pig Sacrifice Among the Greeks,” in International Seminar: “Greek Sacrificial Ritual, Olympian and  Chthonian”, Göteborg, 25-27 April 1997, R. Hägg, ed. (Stockholm, 2005).

“Initiates in the Samothracian Mysteries, September 4, 100 B.C.,” Chiron 31 (2001) 27-35.

“Maroneia and Rome: Two Decrees of Maroneia from Samothrace,” Chiron 33 (2003), 379-417.

“Stages of Initiation in the Eleusinain and Samothracian Mysteries,” in Mysteria: The Archaeology of   Ancient Greek Secret Cults,” M.B. Cosmopoulos, ed. (London, Routledge, 2003) 50-73.

“The Boy in the Great Eleusinian Relief,” with O. Palagia, Athenische Mitteilungen, 118 (2003) [2005], 263-280.

“Two Decrees of Maroneia from Samothrace: Further Thoughts”,” Chiron 34 (2004), 145-148.

“A Family of Eumolpidai and Kerykes Descended from Pericles,” Hesperia 73 (2004) 39-57.

With Nora Dimitrova, “Dedication of a Statue for the Egyptian God Tithoes,” ZPE 148 (2004) 207-210.

With N. Dimitrova, R. Huang, D.-M. Smilgies, D.H. Bilderback, & R.E. Thorne, “X-Ray Fluorescence Recovers Writing from Ancient Inscriptions,” ZPE, 152 (2005) 221-2007.

“Epiphany in the Eleusinian Mysteries,” Illinois Classical Studies, 29 (2004) 85-109.

“The Mysteries of Demeter and Kore,” in A Companion to Greek Religion (Oxford 2007) 342-356..

“Preliminary Initiation in the Eleusinian Mysteries,” in Μικρὸς ῾Ιερομνήμων, Μελέτες εἰς Michael H. Jameson, ed. A.P. Matthaiou and I. Polinskaya (Athens, 2008) 25-34.

“The Eleusinian Sanctuary During the Peloponnesian War,” in The Timeless and the Temporal: The Impact of the Peloponnesian War on Athenian Art, ed. O. Palagia (Cambridge, 2009) 52-65.

With N. Dimitrova, “A New Edition of IG XII 8, 51,” in ΑΤΤΙΚΑ ΕΠΙΓΡΑΦΙΚΑ, Μελέτες πρὸς τιμὴν τοῦ Christian Habicht, ed. A.P. Matthaiou & N. Papazarkadas (Athens, 2009) 201-207.

“The Athenian Cleruchy on Lemnos,” in Studies in honour of Harold B. Mattingly, ed. A.P. Matthaiou & R. K. Pitt (Athens, 2014) 327-338.

“Mysteria at Ephesus,” ZPE 191 (2014) 117–128.

“Eleusinian Iconography: The Case of the Phantom Pi,” ZPE 193 (2015) 133–140.

With N. Dimitrova, “The Annual Festival at Samothrace Attended by Theoroi,” Studies in honour of Ronald S. Stroud, ed. A.P. Matthaiou & N. Papazarkadas (Athens, 2015) 639-648.

With N. Dimitrova, “The Last Thracian Kings: New Evidence,” Studia Classica Serdicensia (Sofia, 2016) 85-100.

“The Eleusinian Anaktoron of Demeter and Kore,” Journal of Ancient History 4 (2016) 40–56.

“Two Buildings in the Samothracian Sanctuary of the Great Gods,” Journal of Ancient History 5 (2017) 323-356.

“C. Iulius Rhaskos, Son of Rhoimetalkes, at Samothrace,” Proceedings of the First International Roman and Late Antique Thrace Conference “Cities, Territories and Identities” (Plovdiv, 3rd – 7th October 2016), Bulletin of the National Archaeological Institute, 44 (2018) 121-128, with N. Dimitrova.

“Journeys to the Eleusinian Mysteria (with an Appendix on the Procession at the Andanian Mysteria),” in Ascending and Descending the Acropolis: Movement in Athenian Religion, (Monographs of the Danish Institute in Athens 23) (Aarhus, 2019), 161-177.

“Tryphaina, Daughter of Kalliphron, in the City Eleusinion,” Festschrift in Memory of David M. Lewis (Athens, 2024), in press.

“Athens, Samothrace, and the Mysteria of the Samothracian Great Gods” in: Sidelights on Greek Antiquity. Archaeological and Epigraphical Essays in Honour of Vasileios Petrakos, ed. K. Kalogeropoulos et al. (Berlin, 2020) 17-44.

“The Nike of Samothrace: Setting the Record Straight,” AJA 124 (2020) 551-573, with Ludovic Laugier, Andrew Stewart, and Bonna D. Wescoat.

“The Reunion of the Athenian Asty with the Piraeus, 280-279 B.C.,” Grammateion 11 (2022) 7-16.

“The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore at Eleusis,” in: Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Greek Sanctuaries, ed. C. M. Keesling (Oxford, 2024), in press.

“The Telesteria of the Two Goddesses at Eleusis, the Great Gods/Kabeiroi at Samothrace, and the Kabeiroi/Great Gods at Hephaistia,” in Proceedings of the International Congress “Sanctuaries and Cults in the Aegean” (Lemnos, 11-14 September 2019 ) (Athens, 2024), in press.

“On the Sanctuaries of Kalliste and Ariste, Artemis Soteira, and Agathe Theos at Athens,” ZPE 2023, in press.

“Agora I 7538: A Banquet for ‘The Majority’,” Grammateion 2023, in press.

“The ‘Mystery’ Cult of the Kabeiroi at Lemnos,” in: The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Mystery Cults, in press.

Recent Reviews

Turcan, Liturgies de l’initiation bacchique à l’époque romaine (LIBER). Documentation littéraire, inscrite et figurée. Paris: de Boccard 2003. (Mémoirs de l’Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres. 27.), Gnomon 2007.

Delneri F., I culti misterici stranieri nei frammenti della commedia attica antica. (Eikasmos. Quaderni Bolognesi di Filologia Classica Studi 13), CR 60 (2010) 25-27.

G.M. Rogers,The Mysteries of Artemis of Ephesos: Cult, Polis, and Change in the Graeco-Roman World. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 2012, CP  109 (2014) 373-376.

Greco, Emanuele (ed.), Giornata di studi in ricordo di Luigi Beschi, Ημερίδα εις μνήμην του Luigi Beschi: Italiano, Filelleno, Studioso Internazionale. Atti della Giornata di Studi, Atene 28 novembre 2015. Tripodes, 17. Atene: Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, 2017. BMCR 2018.

Carol L. Lawton, The Athenian Agora: Votive Reliefs  (Athenian Agora, 38). (American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Princeton 2017), AJA April 2019 (123.2, on line).

Matijeviç, Krešimir, Die lex sacra von Selinunt: Totenmanipulation in der Archaik und Klassik. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2017 (Philippika. 113), Gnomon 92 (2020), 324-328.