Julia Chang

Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies


Julia Chang is an Associate Professor of Spanish in the Department of Romance Studies, a member of the core faculty in Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, and affiliated faculty in the Southeast Asia Program. She holds a PhD in Hispanic Language and Literatures with a Designated Emphasis in Women, Gender, and Sexuality from the University of California, Berkeley. Dr. Chang has also taught courses at Brown University and San Quentin State Prison with the Prison University Project (currently Mount Tamalpais College). She is a member of the research group TRECE (Taller de raza, etnicidad, y ciudadanía en España), the CNY Humanities Corridor Group “Global Disability Studies,” and is a fellow of the CIVIC Research Collaborative in Media Studies on the topic of “Interactive Media and Games.”


Her areas of research and teaching include modern and contemporary Iberian literature and culture; feminist and queer theory; disability studies; game studies; race and anti-racist pedagogy; and the nineteenth-century Philippines. Chang’s first book Blood Novels: Gender, Caste, and Race in Spanish Realism (University Toronto Press 2022) was the inaugural winner of the “Harriet S. Turner Beca” from the Asociación Internacional de Galdosistas. 


Spectacular Bodies: Racism, Pregnancy, and the Code of Silence in Academe

Professors and Students Demand Institutional Change Against Anti-Asian Racism

In Defense of Theory


  • FGSS 2010: Introduction to Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
  • SPAN 2010: Perspectives on Spain in Spanish
  • SPAN 4030: Senior Seminar: Imperial Fictions
  • SPAN 2140: Survey of Modern Spanish Literature

Research Focus

  • Modern Peninsular Literature and Culture
  • Spanish Imperialism and the Philippines
  • Gender Studies
  • Feminism and Feminist Theory
  • Queer Theory
  • History of Medicine
  • Disability Studies
