Asiya Zahoor


Asiya Zahoor was a Sanford H. Taylor Post-doctoral Fellow at the Asian Studies Department. Asiya Zahoor  studied Caribbean  literature, Psycholinguistics and Kashmiri Literature at the Universities of Kashmir, Oxford University in the UK. and Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi.  Asiya's film, "The Stitch" has won  the critics award for Best Short Film  at the South Asian Film Festival. Asiya  has  written on migration, psycholinguistics, Caribbean and Kashmiri  and  Urdu literature. She has also written poetry and short fiction. Her latest book,  Serpents Under my Veil, is a collection of poems.


Book (Academic)
Language and Migration: Investigating Psycholinguistic Processes, Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2010.

“Women in Kashmiri Literature: Contested Femininities”, in Nitasha Kaul and Ather Zia, eds. Knowing in Our Own Ways: Women and Kashmir. New Delhi: Women Un-limited, forthcoming in 2020.

“Translation as Linguistic Crossing Over”, in Translation: A Bridge between Cultures. New Delhi: Sahitya Akademi, forthcoming in 2020.

“An Alternative Approach for Teaching Hindi Structures to Foreign Learner Groups”, Collected Papers: International Conference on Hindi Studies National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilizations (INALCO) Paris; published in Ghanshyam Sharma, ed. Advances in Hindi Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, 50, Studies in Indo-European Languages, p. 57-68. LINCOM, München: Germany, 2018.

“Mental Representations of Morphologically Complex Words: A Psycholinguistic Investigation into the Difference in LI and L2 Processing”, in Vaishna Narang, ed. Learning Theories and Pedagogical Practices, vol 2, p. 341-349. New Delhi: Orient Blackswan, 2013.

“Politics of Place”, Global Education, Society and Development, 9/2 and 3 (2018): 65- 70.

“Representation: Kashmir in Indian Cinema and Literature”, Culture, Society and Law, 4/2 (2017): 147-53.

“On the Cusp of the Modern: Jeelani Bano’s Short Stories”, Book Review Trust (2017):61-65.

“Kashmir in the Writings of Agha Shahid Ali and Rafiq Kathwari”, Lapis Lazuli, Autumn (2017):224-234.

“Circles of Literature and Circles of Love”, Miras, May (2013): 92-97.

“Agha Shahid Ali: A Poet in Exile”, Kashmir Currents, January (2012):22-27.

“Beyond the Nation: A Case for Caribbean Writings,” in Unbroken Wings: Collected Papers. Tbilisi: Publishing House Universal, 2010, pp. 111-18.

“The Effect of Age on Language Processing”, Language of Issues: The Journal of NATECLA, 21/2 (2010): 33-41.

“Split in the Soul: A Study of Derek Walcott’s Poetry”, Oxonian Review of Books, 7/2 (2008):31-35.

“Poetics, Politics and Linguistics: Dismantling Androcentric and Colonial Assumptions”. Interdisciplinary Journal of Linguistics, vol. 1 (2008): 91-94.

“Language and Hybridity in Caribbean Aesthetics: A Survey of Derek Walcott's Writing”, English Studies in India: A Journal of Literature and Language (2005): 101-08.

•    Serpents Under my Veil. New Delhi: Tethys, 2019.