Amy St. Eve

Adjunct Professor, Northwestern Law School


Amy J. St. Eve was appointed as a United States District Court Judge for the Northern District of Illinois in 2002. At 36, St. Eve was one of the youngest judges ever appointed in the Northern District of Illinois. Since her appointment, St. Eve has presided over a significant number of civil and criminal trials, including high profile trials in United States v. Tony Rezko, United States v. Conrad Black, et al., and United States v. Mohammed Salah, et al. Judge St. Eve has also sat with the Seventh Circuit, Ninth Circuit and Federal Circuit Courts of Appeals as a visiting judge. In 2002, St. Eve received Crain's Chicago Business' Top Forty Under Forty Award.

Judge St. Eve serves as an Adjunct Professor at Northwestern Law School where she teaches trial advocacy. St. Eve is the co-author of More From the #Jury Box: The Latest on Juries and Social Media, 12 Duke L. & Tech. Rev. 64 (2014); The Forgotten Pleading, 7 Fed. Cts. L. Rev. 152 (2012); Ensuring A Fair Trial in the Age of Social Media, 11 Duke L. & Tech. Rev. 1 (2012); and The Fault Allocation Provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: A Roadmap for Litigants and Courts, 3 NYU. J. L. & Bus. 187 (Fall 2006). She is also a co-author of Federal Employment Litigation (The Rutter Group Practice Guide).

Judge St. Eve serves as a member of the Judicial Conference Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure (2013-present), a member of the Seventh Circuit Pattern Criminal Jury Instructions Committee, and a member of the Northern District of Illinois Patent Local Rules Committee. Judge St. Eve previously served as a member of the Judicial Conference Committee on Court Administration and Case Management (2006-13) and as the Seventh Circuit Representative to the Federal Judges Association (2007-13). She is on the Board of Directors of the Chicago branch of the Federal Bar Association, a member of the American Bar Association, the Chicago Bar Association, the Illinois State Bar Association, and the Chicago Women's Bar Association. St. Eve is on the Chicago Bar Association's Board of Managers. She also is the Chair of the ABA's White Collar Crimes Subcommittee on Ethics and a Fellow of the American Bar Foundation.

Judge St. Eve is a member of the Cornell Law School Advisory Council, the Cornell College of Arts and Sciences Advisory Council, the President's Council of Cornell Women, and the Loyola Academy Board of Trustees. She also serves on the Board of Directors of Chicago Posse and is a member of the Museum of Science and Industry's Youth Science Engagement Advisory Committee.

Judge St. Eve graduated from Cornell University in May 1987 with a B.A. in history. During the summer of 1986, Judge St. Eve attended Oriel College at Oxford University in England. In 1990, Judge St. Eve graduated magna cum laude and Order of the Coif from Cornell Law School where she had been first in her class. She was a member of the Cornell Law Review and served as an Articles Editor.

From 1990-1994, St. Eve worked as a litigation associate at Davis Polk & Wardwell in New York, New York. St. Eve served as an Associate Independent Counsel for the Whitewater Independent Counsel in Little Rock, Arkansas from 1994-1996 where she second chaired the successful prosecution of former Governor Jim Guy Tucker, Jim McDougal and Susan McDougal for fraud. From August 1996 through April 2001, St. Eve served as an Assistant United States Attorney in the Northern District of Illinois. In 2001, St. Eve became Senior Counsel in Litigation at Abbott Laboratories.