Alexander G. Kuo

Assistant Professor


Alexander Kuo is Assistant Professor of Government and joined the department in Fall 2012. He was previously a post-doctoral research fellow at the Center for the Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences at the Juan March Foundation in Madrid, Spain. He received his Phd in political science from Stanford University. His research interests are in the fields of comparative political economy, Western European politics, business and labor history, and political behavior.

Research Focus

  • comparative political economy
  • Western European politics
  • business and labor history
  • political behavior


  • Forthcoming. “Why do Asian Americans Identify as Democrats? Testing Theories of Social Exclusion and Intergroup Solidarity” (with Neil Malhotra and Cecilia Mo) Journal of Politics 2016.
  • Forthcoming. “Economic Hardship and Policy Preferences in the Eurozone Periphery: Evidence from Spain” (with José Fernández-Albertos) Comparative Political Studies 2016.
  • "Income Perception, Information, and Progressive Taxation: Evidence from a Survey Experiment” (with José Fernández-Albertos) Political Science Research and Methods February: 1 - 28 2015.
  • “Explaining Employer Coordination: Historical Evidence from Germany” Comparative Politics, October, 48(1): /2015.
  • “Preferences for Inter-Regional Redistribution” (with José Fernández-Albertos Laia Balcells) Comparative Political Studies, 48(10): /2014.
  • “Partisan Bias in Blame Attribution: When Does it Occur?” (with Andrew Healy and Neil Malhotra) Journal of Experimental Political Science, 1(2): /2013.
  • “Economic Crisis, Globalization, and Partisan Bias: Evidence from Spain” (with José Fernández-Albertos and Laia Balcells) International Studies Quarterly, 57(4): /2012.
  • “Measuring Identity: Experimental Evidence” (with Yotam Margalit) Comparative Politics, 44(4): 459-480. 2009.
  • “Emotions as Moderators of Information Cue Use: Citizen Attitudes towards Hurricane Katrina” (with Neil Malhotra) American Politics Research, 27(2): 301-326. 2008.
  • “Attributing Blame: The Public’s Response to Hurricane Katrina” (with Neil Malhotra) Journal of Politics, 70(1). 70(1): 120-135.