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Media source: The New York Times

 Parade in China


America, don’t try to out-China China

Jessica Chen Weiss, associate professor of government, and Ali Wyne, a nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and a nonresident fellow at the Modern War Institute, have some advice for U.S. officials about their relationship with China, in this New York Times opinion piece.
 The Palace Museum, China


‘Ours Will No Longer Be a Nation Subject to Insult and Humiliation’

Jesscia Chen Weiss writes in this New York Times opinion piece about current events such as the trade war and Hong Kong protests and their impacts on China.
 Math formula discussed in the story


The Math Equation That Tried to Stump the Internet

Cornell mathematician Steven Strogatz, author most recently of "Infinite Powers: How Calculus Reveals the Secrets of the Universe," explains the latest mathematical Twitter upset in a New York Times op-ed.
 A woman sewing in India


India can hide unemployment data, but not the truth

Kaushik Basu, the C. Marks Professor of International Studies, writes in this op-ed in The New York Times that despite India's attempts to mislead and hide unemployment data, the truth is that the country is in an unemployment crisis.


Eric Schneiderman and the meaning of strangulation

In this New York Times opinion piece, Kate Manne, assistant professor of philosophy, explores the allegations against the former New York attorney general and the false labeling of his alleged assaults as "choking."
 Indian currency


India and the Visible Hand of the Market

Cornell economist Kaushik Basu, the C. Marks Professor of International Studies, professor of economics and chief economist of the World Bank from 2012-16, writes in this New York Times opinion piece, that the Indian government's decision to "demonitize" its currency may have greater long-term side effects than expected.
 Hand holding several pills


Why We Shouldn’t Drug Test Poor People

Jamila Michener, assistant professor of government, and Julilly Kohler-Hausmann, assistant professor of history, write in this New York Times opinion piece that tying Medicaid benefits to drug testing could imperil Medicaid's long-term viability and create a "vicious cycle of stigmatization and program retrenchment."
 Thomas Gilovich


To help tackle inequality, remember the advantages you've had

Thomas Gilovich, the Irene Blecker Rosenfeld Professor of Psychology, was featured in this New York Times article for his research with Shai Davidai that suggests that humans have a "quirk" that causes us to remember the obstacles we have overcome more vividly than the advantages we have been given.


The superior social skills of bilinguals

A psychology professor's research shows that being bilingual can bring multiple benefits, even boosting problem-solving skills.