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Byline: Amanda Bosworth

 Hunter R. Rawlings III


Library study honors Interim President Hunter Rawlings

The Hunter R. Rawlings III Research Study, a bright office space overlooking the Arts Quad and Goldwin Smith Hall on the sixth floor of Olin Library, was dedicated March 3.
 Alice Fulton


Alice Fulton reveals poetic inspirations

Poet and professor Alice Fulton describes what inspires her work.
 Ruth Wilson Gilmore


Scholar details emergence of police-state tactics

We are living in a prison industrial complex, according to Ruth Wilson Gilmore, professor of earth and environmental sciences at the City University of New York.Gilmore gave the American Studies Program’s annual Krieger Lecture in American Political Culture March 3 on “Organized Abandonment and Organized Violence: Devolution and the Police.”
 William D. Adams


NEH chair calls for the restructuring of academic humanities

We are living through an “extended moment of making fun of philosophers” in America, according to National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Chair William D. Adams, who spoke on the past and future of the humanities in Klarman Hall auditorium Feb. 24.
 Philip Gourevitch


Lecture launches Shoah Foundation archives at Cornell

In the 1994 Rwandan genocide, neighbors killed lifelong neighbors, husbands killed wives and parents killed children. It was an intimate conflict, according to Philip Gourevitch ’86, staff writer for The New Yorker and an experienced reporter on the Rwandan genocide.
 Kurt Jordan


Local Native Indian history buried in obscurity

Ithaca is dotted with buried Native American sites, according to Kurt Jordan, associate professor of anthropology in the College of Arts & Sciences, who also has an appointment with theAmerican Indian Program in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.Yet these sites are incredibly difficult to comprehend because centuries of residential and commercial development has altered the landscape.


Peter Katzenstein sees no new Cold War

An international studies professor says the U.S. is not entering a new Cold War with Russia, but rather a Cold Peace.