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Person receiving vaccine


The most important meeting yet for global pandemic response–and drugmakers

As global health leaders meet to chart the future of pandemic response, equity between nations must take top priority, Basu writes.
 People queue at a store


Opinion: Let us not underestimate the pandemic’s economic fallout

The world has changed over the last three months in ways that no one anticipated, writes Kaushik Basu, professor of economics, in this opinion article in LiveMint. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread around the world, he points out, and we have to wait for global health experts to analyze the full extent of the virus.

 Hospital emergency entrance


More than rate cuts: The coronavirus demands a coordinated global policy response

However the COVID-19 epidemic unfolds — even if it is soon brought under control globally — it is likely to do much more economic damage than policy makers seem to realize, wrote Kaushik Basu, professor of economics, in an opinion piece in Marketwatch.

 A woman sewing in India


India can hide unemployment data, but not the truth

Kaushik Basu, the C. Marks Professor of International Studies, writes in this op-ed in The New York Times that despite India's attempts to mislead and hide unemployment data, the truth is that the country is in an unemployment crisis.

 Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil's new president


Why is democracy faltering?

Kaushik Basu, a professor of economics, former chief economist of the World Bank and non resident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution wrote an opinion piece for news outlet Mail & Guardian discussing the role that digitalization of economics play in our societies following the recent election of Jair Bolsonaro as Brazil's newest president. Basu claims that feelings of vulnerableness, anger, and anxiety grow out of a surging inequality of wealth caused by technology's unprecedented boom.
 Indian currency


India and the Visible Hand of the Market

Cornell economist Kaushik Basu, the C. Marks Professor of International Studies, professor of economics and chief economist of the World Bank from 2012-16, writes in this New York Times opinion piece, that the Indian government's decision to "demonitize" its currency may have greater long-term side effects than expected.