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Byline: Lawrence B. Glickman
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squash, pumpkins in a cornucopia


The fruits of their labors

Historian Lawrence Glickman writes in this Slate piece about the origins of Thanksgiving as the "free enterprise holiday."
 Black Lives Matter protest, masked people holding signs of men who have been killed


America’s most destructive habit

Each time political minorities advocate for and achieve greater equality, conservatives rebel, trying to force a reinstatement of the status quo.
people protesting


3 tropes of white victimhood

History professor Lawrence Glickman writes in The Atlantic that in the conservative world, the idea that white people in the United States are under siege has become doctrine.
 FDR signs Tennesee Valley Authority Act


The left is pushing Democrats to embrace their greatest president. Why that’s a good thing.

Historian Lawrence Glickman writes in this Washington Post piece that "nearly a century after President Franklin D. Roosevelt began his effort to revive the American economy through government programs, Democrats are once again becoming fans of Roosevelt and his legacy."