Project Title: The desirability and viability of virtual and hybrid learning systems
Project Description: The challenges of the COVID pandemic have highlighted a new potential paradigm of learning – virtual/distance learning. Even as the pandemic subsided, aspects of this new paradigm are lingering, for example in virtual private schools in US or Singapore’s blended learning. It is thus not mere sci-fi to think that virtual learning could become a serious alternative to traditional schools in the near future. My project hence aims to understand whether virtual learning facilitates the attainment of desirable educational outcomes from a philosophical, sociological, and psychological perspective, and whether the implementation of such systems is viable from governmental, economic, and policy standpoints through a comparative analysis of the attempts to implement such systems throughout the world.
Most Important Accomplishment: Completing firefighting training and serving two years as a firefighter!
Reflections on the College Scholar program: It's wonderful to find oneself amidst a community of peers and network of faculty where information and ideas simply overflow. The program environment is greatly conducive to critical and creative discourse, and I look forward to polishing my research and learning from everyone in the program.