Project title: The Biocultural Synthesis of Anthropology and Biology
Project description: My project is focused on the proximity and distance between the evolutionary inheritances and social complexities of humanity . Biocultural anthropology operates on the idea of a reciprocal and interactive relationship between biology and culture. The biocultural approach allows me to combine the evolutionary idea of vertical inheritance and horizontal transmission with cultural anthropology’ s concept of culture as an all-encompassing, spatial and social phenomenon. I’m particularly interested in how I can apply this approach to molecular anthropology and ancient DNA analysis.
Most important accomplishment: Living, learning and growing with students from more than 60 dif ferent countries in Bosnia and Herzegovina for two years through the United W orld College program. Being chosen by the UWC national committee to represent my country is also what brought me to Cornell from the public school system of Turkey.
Reflections on the College Scholar Program: For me, the best part about the College Scholar Program is definitely the many opportunities we get to share our ideas and get feedback from other scholars. Since I joined the program, I’ve been asked questions I never would have thought of myself, inspired to look into areas of research I had never considered - and massively expanded my reading list.