Ella Hough

Ella Hough

Project Title: 21 Million Tools for the 21st Century

Project Description: Money is a tool to shape reality. Economics and, by extension, money "is the foundation layer that gives rise to everything else" (Booth). We live in a world with a dishonest ledger, with a dishonest reality. Bitcoin is more than just money, but it is the best form of money we've ever had. We need a world that operates on an honest ledger and reflects an honest reality. My College Scholar Thesis will demonstrate Bitcoin as society's tool to undergo this transition. bitcoin is a cryptographically secured currency. Bitcoin, the network, is an empowering technology with the potential to fundamentally transform civilization, sitting at the intersection of math, physics, computer science, philosophy, biology, game theory, engineering, monetary theory, economics, finance, morality, etc. Furthermore, most people, given "coin" in the name, diminish Bitcoin to only a monetary asset. They never consider it a technology, a liberating, freedom and privacy-protecting, digital energy-saving technology. 

My hypothesis is that the 21,000,000 bitcoin are society's tools for the 21st century. However, the majority of humanity, reinforced by conventional information sources, does not think so and does not have bitcoin in their toolkit. Why? Answering this question will be the focus of my study through the lenses of economics, energy, and linguistics. Economic: Bitcoin is the sound money solution to a broken money standard. Energy: A tool's structural integrity needs to be maintained and rigid, yet multi-purpose and accessible to all. Linguistics: Bitcoin is a language. An operating system of preferences and value that all 8 billion people can natively speak without friction. Bitcoin, a neutral, decentralized, borderless, permissionless, secure, and energy-preserving language and monetary operating system freely available to all eight billion people, offers itself as a simple and equitable rules-based solution to the breakdown in money, to a breakdown in reality.